When HSN gave Andrew Lessman a bunch of sour lemons sprinkled with Sensa, he turned around and made some vitamin-fortified lemonade.
If you aren't already familiar with the ongoing Lessman-Sensa War of Attrition, you can catch up here and here and here.
Andrew's latest tactic? Circumvent HSN altogether. He's planning to host his own live web broadcast on his own website (check it out here and submit a question). Yes, he's got some Today's Specials coming up and he'll be on HSN April 3rd through the 5th to promote them, but he's setting himself up to not need HSN to make his sales ... or at least improve his leverage with them.
Neither Sensa's nor Andrew's weight-loss products are currently listed at HSN so I suspect that they are in a bit of a standoff at this point and someone had to make a play for the upper hand.
It'll be interesting to see if Andrew tries to promote his webcast while he's on HSN this weekend and if he tries to sell his products on his webcast.
Here's what Andrew had to say about it on his blog (BTW, the comment sections of his blog is sooooo interesting. I highly recommend that you give it a read--both supporters and haters alike.):
Hi Everyone!
I just spent the day with my sister and Mom and they insisted that rather than only responding to the more difficult posts that I owe a huge thank you to those of you who have taken your valuable time to share your incredibly kind and supportive words and sentiments. Well, far be it for me to dare to disagree with the women in my life, so I sincerely thank everyone for their wonderful posts and encouraging words!
I might make supplements that help nourish you, but it is your praise and support that nourishes me. Without your support, nothing is possible.
By the way, you have no idea how excited I am about your response to this blog and the prospects of a video blog and even better - live video webcasts! I can only do this if there is someone reading, watching and responding to what I write and say, so I will endeavor to keep things interesting and stimulating and I know your responses will do the same. Best of all, these blogs and the webcast allow me to share what is most important to all of us - objective, trustworthy health-related information.
You will also notice that when things are all finalized with the blog and webcasts, they will exist on a website separate and apart from the ProCaps website, since none of this content is intended to be product- or sales-based, but simply a source of credible, trustworthy, objective information related to health and wellness.
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for your kind, understanding and supportive words.
Sincerely. Andrew
PS I don't mind the "haters," since I often learn the most from folks who disagree with me. I simply hope that our blog can be a little unique in that we will all agree to be civil and respectful in our disagreements.
It would be nice to get a calendar that tells us when Andrew will appear on television. Mr. Lessman, your products are outstanding, and unfortunately for them, QVC's vitamin rocks cannot compare. Stay healthy and happy! We need you!
when will andrew anounce when he will no longer be on hsn ?