Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Steel by Design TSV Sneak Peak

I *heart* Steel by Design! :-) It's beautiful, durable, and doesn't cost much. This set of three bangles will be the TSV on July 2. I can't wait for all the SBD shows! The bangles come in either 7-inch or 8-inch size (Queen Bea will definitely be requiring the 8-inch set!), are only $28.46, and come on two easy pays on only $14.23 (I can just hear Lisa Robertson now ... that's less than 50 cents a day! it's practically free!).

If you love steel jewelry like me, also check out the Signity Modern Metals collection on ShopNBC. And it looks like there's alot of clearance items going on now ... (Queen Bea is now too distracted to keep writing ... sorry chickadees!).


  1. I ordered them. Can't wait. I can wear the 7, but I wanted them to dangle a little lower on my wrist so I geot the 8. Thanks!

  2. You are SO right about Lisa. Only pennies a day, ladies! I buy enough stuff that I'm still paying off the makeup I bought three months ago. But I do like the bangles. Hmmmmm....


If your forbidden love is home shopping and you love all the latest dirt, then come on in ... Queen Bea is holding court!

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