I'm having a bit of … ummm … What's that called again? … Writer's bl-- … Writer's blo-- … Oh, forget it! I don't know. Can't write. Fingers heavy on the keyboard. Can't move. Ugh.
So, I'm forcing myself to write a rambling post to try to winch the car out of the ditch. Anyone have any kitty litter? Anyone? Oh well, strap in. This will be a bumpy ride.
Let's start with today. It's St. Patty's Day! I've never understood the all-day Irish fest on the Q on St. Patrick's Day. Wouldn't it be better to have it ahead of time so that we have our lucky shamrock-covered accessories for the festivities? I know there has been harrumphing about this for years. I mean, they push Christmas all the way back to July, so it stands to reason that they could move St. Patrick's Day back a bit.
And, yes, I am wearing green today. I needed protection from my son's evil little pincers!
Mr. Queen Bea has now officially joined the ranks of the home shoppers. He always knew about the blog and he did notice that random UPS packages show up at our doorstep from time to time, but he never had much of an interest. Lately though, whenever I flip the TV over to the Q, he always asks what the dirt is on whoever's on the screen.
And then a few days ago, he made a purchase of his own. You see, Mr. Queen Bea has a touch of Spring fever. I know that it's Spring because the Cottage Farms guy shows up. With the weather being so screwy lately, there really isn't any other way to tell.
Anyway, Mr. Queen Bea decided that he wanted a tricked out bird feeder--he wanted a bath, hooks for suet and hummingbird syrup, a pot at the bottom for flowers, and a solar light. Yes, he actually requested all those things. Not my cup of tea, but if it doesn't have buttons, lights, or boobs, he's probably not interested.
Where-oh-where could one find such a Frankenstein of a bird feeder? The Q, baby! Check it out. It's got everything. Unfortunately it's also on waitlist and there weren't any reviews, but he wanted to get it regardless. I won't worry about his new-found love of home shopping unless he shows up wearing Diamonique.
I hope this writing blockage clears up soon. Maybe I need a solar panel on my head.
ETA: Crap! Crap! Crap! I just checked the bird feeder again and now it has one review and it ain't good y'all!!! And I quote, "Do NOT buy this--It is made cheap,it was bowed,warped & so light weight it would not stay standing"
Should I cancel the waitlist? This seems like the type of thing that would be very difficult and expensive to send back.
You know what, Queen Bea? I have noticed that a lot of those people who write the negative comments seem to like to Bitch, and that's all they like to do. Nothing pleases them. I have never based a purchase on those comments, I waited and tried the item myself, and honestly have been rarely disappointed. You have to use your own judgement.
ReplyDeleteI would think that the bird food would fall into the water, and what a mess that would be!! I love birds and have baths and feeders for them in my yard, but this contraption just seems not quite right to me. Please post how you like it if you do indeed get it.
ReplyDeleteIf it were my order, I would cancel it. The problem sounds structural & not just cosmetic. As you said, S/H is expensive & there are a lot of bird feeders & accessories available at WalMart & other places where you can check it out before you order. It's nice looking but one of those things that is not worth the headache of trying to return.
ReplyDeleteI have had to return a lot of stuff lately to QVC & am getting ready to return an item to HSN. They keep talking about their "stringent" Quality Control & Quality Assurance yet I've had to return more items the past year than in all the years combined that I've shopped on home shopping networks. I am failing to see where the strict quality control is kicking in.
Miss Queen Bea,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're back, I was having QB withdrawal. Hopefully your writer's block will pass and you will be back in full swing... this is the best blog on the internet!! Oh, and can the bird feeder... sounds like a piece of junk.
Hey Queen I have missed ya.. My advice about the birdfeeder is as follows:
ReplyDeleteCancel it - tell hubby that u received an email or letter whatever stating that this item will no longer be available
At least that is how I would handle it.
Oh, were you watching the Q this afternoon when a caller asked Lisa Mason what happened to Bob Bowersox ?
adamsgin asked: "Oh, were you watching the Q this afternoon when a caller asked Lisa Mason what happened to Bob Bowersox ?"
ReplyDeleteWhat did she say? I suppose they are all prepped in case that happens.