Friday, August 8, 2008

QVC Online Scam

According to Computer World, a scammer took QVC for $412,000 in merchandise.

And it wasn't even hard to do!

Apparently there was a lag in the online ordering system that allowed customers to place and then immediately cancel an online order and still receive the merchandise--without getting charged for it.

A North Carolina woman not only took advantage of this little loophole in the system, but then she turned around and sold the merchandise on eBay.

She was only caught when her customers thought that it was strange that she was mailing the items in QVC packaging and reported her.

Since the products were legally hers (I don't understand how they were legally hers), she wasn't prosecuted for selling the goods, but to wire fraud.

Instead of harassing their loyal customers with the dreaded "letter" (too many returns), maybe the Q should focus on the real bad guys.

1 comment:

  1. That's insane!!!! I'm right there with you with not knowing how the stuff she STOLE was classified as HERS..... Along the QVC topic, the other day I read a rather complimentary review about QVC and it was actually written by a man lol.


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