Friday, August 8, 2008

QVC's "Un-Commercial" Commercial

QVC is rolling out a new "uncommercial" ad campaign that will feature outtakes and bloopers (you know, those special "QVC moments"). I guess regular old commercials are sooo 5 minutes ago!

“The ‘screen test’ nature of the commercials is unique in today’s overcrowded media world, because it is real; no prepackaged scripts, corporate-speak or overproduction,” said Jeff Charney, QVC's senior vice president and chief marketing officer. The campaign should highlight QVC's “authenticity and on-air spontaneity.”

One spot will feature Joan Rivers talking about how she would have romanced Faberge in another life (seems rather toned down for Joan, don't you think???)

I guess this is the Q's take on the popularity of reality TV ... you know, they're keeping it real with the peeps on the street. Holla!

I am glad to see that they are at least trying to act like they don't take themselves so freakin' seriously all the time.

And if you check out You Tube, you'll find that home shopping bloopers are very, very popular. This one always comes up first (I always feel bad for the poor guy though!):

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