The HSN TS is a
Gateway 22" HD LCD Dual Core, 1GB RAM, 160GB HD Desktop Computer with TV Tuner. Does this mean I can watch TV on my computer? Will my Tivo hook up to it too? Queen Bea loooves her Tivo! I'm guessing that there will be lots of high definition deals on HSN since they are
launching HSN HD in 2009 (and they've spent "multimillions" on the necessary upgrades).
As to Gateway ... well, I've heard that they brought all their customer service jobs back to America, which it great, but I've also heard terrible things about dealing with that very customer service. I don't know, chickadees!

The ShopNBC OTV is ... guess what? Another watch! Again. What's with all the watches ShopNBC Powers That Be??? That being said, I actually kinda like the
Invicta Women's Limited Edition Glitter Glam Baby Lupah Watch Set. For $80, you're getting a decent quality watch with four different leather straps, which are supposed to be easy change.

The QVC TSV is a
Haier 19" Widescreen High-Definition LCD TV w/ DVD Player. Since QVC HD launched earlier this year, be expecting many, many HDTV's being pushed on us. This TV seems fine enough, but I don't see how it's a TSV. I found it cheaper
here and
here and
here and
here (the first two had much cheaper shipping too!
The point being is that the Q needs to pay attention to their name and offer a little extra
Value--like including that 2-year
Premium Product Protection for free instead of charging $46.84 or maybe not charging $22 for shipping.
And don't forget to vote for your favorite jewelry design at Jewelry Television. Today's the last day. Vote
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