Our Lisa was a guest on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch recently to discuss the new art of selling--something Lisa is very, very, very familiar with!
Lisa's bottom line advice?

"Never lie ... ever, ever, ever! Never lie, you're always toast. Always tell the truth." (I love, love, love how she still spoke in triplicate!)
Check out Donny playing QVC host here. Honestly, I didn't think he did too badly. I've definitely seen waaaay worse. Quite recently, in fact.
I couldn't find a clip of Lisa's main interview, but if you skip to about the 7-minute mark on the one below, you'll get to hear Lisa talking about how she relates to us customers without being face to face.
I couldn't find a clip of Lisa's main interview, but if you skip to about the 7-minute mark on the one below, you'll get to hear Lisa talking about how she relates to us customers without being face to face.
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