Monday, January 5, 2009

Joan Rivers Plans to Donate Body to Tupperware

The ever-industrious Joan Rivers has a new book coming out about one of her favorite topics, plastic surgery, "Men Are Stupid . . . and They Like Big Boobs." I would have to agree with her on both counts.

In this funny interview with the New York Times, Joan claims to have had two face lifts, lip plumping about every six months, and liposuction on her thighs. And, no, she doesn't think that she's addicted to plastic surgery at all. She's just in a youth-obsessed business where growing old gracefully doesn't pay the bills.

"I’ve had so much plastic surgery," Joan said, "when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware."

And just in case you were curious about her political views, well, she also thinks that the President-Elect Barak Obama should have had his ears pinned back years ago.


  1. Agree, agree, agree...

    I'm so used to seeing Joan that I can't even tell she looks all plastic.

    You go, girl!

  2. I'm another one who believes in doing what makes one most comfortable. If I wake up someday and look at myself in the mirror and decide something needs to be lifted, I damned well will get it lifted . . . and I'll never make excuses for my choices (just like Joan).

  3. dayum, i love joan!


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