Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eight Dollar Bill Alert

Everything's bigger in Texas ... except the price tag on home shopping fashions. $8 Fashion Outlet stores are popping up all over. And guess what they sell? Fashion items from the Q and HSN. And guess how much they cost? 80% of everything at the $8 Store, costs, you guessed it, $8.

Now why can't QVC and HSN sell them for $8? Or maybe just lower their prices a little. If they're going to give such good deals to all these outlet places, why not give good prices to loyal customers? I simply do not understand.

Have an online bargain bin or a special secret sale for loyal customers. I know that they are always trying to get new customers, but it might also be smart to reward the people that keep you in business!

Check out the video here. You'll recognize many of the items and labels.


  1. Why does Texas ALWAYS get the best stores first? Jeepers, I would LOVE to have one of those $8 stores here in Ga. I'm gonna have to Google around & see if there are any plans for one here. What a fun place to have availabe!

  2. I suspect that the items for 8.00 will be things like from their clearances and out of season things they couldn't sell on the clearance on their websites. I've noticed that when the clothing goes on clearance that most are things that didn't get good reviews and ones that did are usually just a few left like maybe maybe in 3x sizes. But I'm petite and love that HSN has designers that fit me. So it's my favorite place to shop. If you read the reviews on items you won't get taken on the 8.00 items.


If your forbidden love is home shopping and you love all the latest dirt, then come on in ... Queen Bea is holding court!

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