By special request ... some before and after pictures of Patti. I had some trouble finding any decent before pictures, so they aren't the best quality. If i find anything better, I'll post it.
fake, fake, fake. she's gotten just as "artificial" as everybody else on tv.....disappointing. i used to really enjoy watching her. i remember staying up really late one night years ago to watch one of her turquoise shows (back when she was a newbie and had the gabrielle time slot). at the time i thought she was the cutest thing i'd ever seen. not so much now...her spark is gone. it's obvious that she's not having as much fun as she was when she was a wide-eyed rookie.
Aw, I have worked with Patti as a vendor guest. She is a lot of fun and honestly, one of the best hosts to work with at the Q. She is professional, well-studied on the products, and one of the more accessible hosts for the vendor guests. Just my 2 cents from first hand experience............
i'm glad i ran into this post. i knew there was something different - has P.R. had surgery too? not only is she smaller, but her hips have shrunk in a way that doesn't happen with weight loss. like others, i agree that it looks like she has had breast augmentation. what's up with that...?
I like Patti and always have but I think her face was prettier with some weight on it. It looks bony and muscular, but if she's happy, good for her. I know myself how hard it is to lose a lot of weight and I applaud her.I still think she's beautiful.
I think about 90% of Patti's weight relocated into her head and her boobs! Hello, didn't she think we'd notice she went from nothing to double D's, oh wait, isn't that what her idol Lisa R. sports? I use to enjoy Patti, now I just change channels, she makes me sick and I weigh 115 so no jealousy here folks!
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
Who gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
Who gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
Who gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
Who gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
Hip surgery? come on. Everyone knows how hard it is to recover from hip replacement. Funny how women always gets jealous when someone loses weight. She has changed-she got thinner.
Patti Reilly is an annoying piece of crap! She constantly interrupts the guests withe her "right" and "hm-mm". She needs to get fired! She sucks! I hate her and have to change the channel
it's a shame... she as become a clone of Lisa R. She has become all smoke and mirrors just like Lisa R. I hate how they both keep looking at themselves in the monitors. very annoying . The two of them are such wanna be's. Patty aleast used to have a cute personality...she has lost that too...
Not only is she morphing physically into - I don't know what - she's acting like a nut, too! I don't know if she thinks she's being funny or trying to insert material for a new 'audition' reel, but she's just acting plain nutty! Jeanne Bice got in a few digs when she was hosting with her...telling her she's just withered away down to nothing.
NO one loses weight that quickly (and in of course ALL the 'right places'). I'd put my money on her having lipo AND a boob job. As for her face, she's probably had that 'worked on' over the years as well. Sorry, but she looks HORRIBLE!!!! It irks me how people think she is such an 'inspiration' for weight loss. She didn't lose it naturally people!!!!
So what if she had her breasts done & lipo. Why the big deal to anyone. You women are a bunch of "busy bodies" evidently with nothing to do. I think she looks great and I applaud her!!!
People really need to stop with the, "Did Patti get her boobs done?" stuff. From show to show her chest seems to change from size to size like phases of the moon. It is clear she didn't get a boob job. IMO, it is pretty clear that she is doing it in an effort to draw attention to herself. In other words, she is coming off as needy. She is what she is, take or or leave her. As for as I am concerned, I prefer to leaver her. IMO, she is almost as obnoxious as yum yum face.
Speaking of yum yum face, I haven't been able to watch a food show since Jethro Bodine started doing that. Now it appears that everyone is mugging for the camera during food shows.
Speaking of yum yum face, I haven't been able to watch a food show since Jethro Bodine started doing that. Now it appears that everyone is mugging for the camera during food shows.
Yes, it also looks to me as if she has had some alteration in addition to losing quite a bit of weight. But, I certainly take my hat off to her for the weight loss. She does look great, though.
I wonder why when a person lose weight she becomes a beauty queen and if you disagree, then you are jealous. WTF? Guess what people, Every skinny person isn't BEAUTIFUL. I don't lke Patty Reilly because she seems arrogant and the hissing noise she makes when she say a "s" word.I hit mute everytime she's on. The way she talk to the guest makes me want to BITCH slap her her ass. Losing weight doesn't give you a pass to be rude. I guess that's what's wrong with majority of women. We think if a person is skinny or pretty they don't need morals or class. Noooo, I'm not jealous. I think she has a really big head and wide smile. Good for her she lost weight. Trying to do the same. But you don't have to be jealous of a person not to like them. Just my opinion.
Regarding Patty, lately I have noticed that she's talking down to the models like some school teacher. I wish to heck she would leave. Can't stand that voice, attitude or whatever else she is sporting. That's my opinion, I am free to give one and I am sticking to it.
i really don't like patti much either, but i feel sorry for her. i doesn't look like she is very happy with her life, and i think she has depression issues. i don't care how much weight she looses, i don't think she will ever be happy with herself. by the way when does the queen bea come back? we need some new material on this website!!!!!!!
I just found this site and I am surprised by all the negative stuff about Patti. I think she looks amazing, and she strikes me as pretty happy with her job and her life if you ask me. How did she lose all the weight? Any one know? I hadn't seen her in a long while and was shocked to see how trim she is.
Have ya read the depressed posts on her website??? She's a wreck. Very UNhappy by her OWN admission. She had to have her lap band adjusted about a week ago. How do I know? Easy. She never uttered a word about going anywhere. She just left for a week or so and came back, looking a little rough if you ask me. (And by her own admission, she's the beauty expert!) Any other time, she goes on and on about going to LA or NY. Did anyone see Claudia from Birkenstock call her on the constant bragging? It was priceless. For those of us that wish QVC would can her, Chritmas came early.
QVC shouldnt allow these women to act like celebrities & get boob jobs that show giant clevage! Ewhh she (patti r) has lately been so rude to people whom are bringing their products on air as well as models! Come on QVC how are you allowing her to be sooo rude its hard to watch sometimes, Patti R & Shawns voice kill me, (PS If ya'll dont like these blogs dont read them!) whinoos
Patti looks great, but boy has her personality changed. She's so snippy and overbearing now, it's ridiculous. It really annoys me. She doesn't seem like she cares about her job anymore. As for her boobs - it is possible that if she lost weight and her breasts didn't shrink that she DIDN'T get a boob job, they're just more noticeable now.
the only thing that really makes me change the channel is when Patti continues to remind us that she's friends with Chaz Dean, or went to LA and hung out with Chaz Dean, or Chaz Dean and his friends came over to her house for dinner, or when she hosted Late Nite Munchies recently and went bonkers over Tony Luke," WOW,I just went to a baseball game and my guy picked out my food and it was Tony Luke, and now we can get your stuff here on QVC, wow, Tony Luke" etc, etc.
Did you see the latest Clarks shows? Patti's behavior was terrible. I had to turn it off. She was so rude to the vendor, Tom. She seems to say something she thinks is cute and then says "No, not really". Enough, try being professional!
Yes, I saw the Clarks show. What was up with Patti's behavior and the representive from the Clarks company. Does anyone know what that was about? I was shocked
Maybe you can do something about the REAL QVC annoyance (if you don't include butchering the English language), which is the yappy voices. Patty and many other QVC hosts need to have elocution lessons. They are cute and sweet and charming with nice personalities and have voices like fingernails on a chalkboard.
HSN doesn't seem to have that problem. 9Shannon talks too fast, but as she has a deep voice it isn't as annoying.)
However, as Queen Bea, you should be able to help us here.
I agree with most of you Patti has changed so much since she's started on QVC she has turned into a Lisa R wanna be, when I watch QVC most of the time the mute button is on because I can't stand most of the host's voices!!!
I have not laughed so hard in months! I started watching QVC in 2007. I was laided off from work--had too much time. I don't know how I found this message board. I guess I needed a laugh. I had just left my bedrm with the tv on because I could no longer take Patty Reilly's voice. She was on Girls night with Jayne Brown. I just could not stop laughing. Oh let me go I hear Rick doing Tanzanite! LOL
Hey, if you need a giggle, Watch ShopNBC lie all night long! The other night their once only black faux fur angora popped a button Live on-air! So Classy!
Oh my goodness that was so funny! I have no job, no life but I started reading from this site and could not stop laughing. I know it was because I was thinking it and then to come on here and read someone else saying it---just too much.
I seriously wish a QVC producer would whisper to her in her little ear bud to SHUT UP, to STOP TALKING OVER THE GUESTS, and to STOP WITH THE 'RIGHT', 'UH-HUH', 'ETC.' COMMENTS! I love Bobbi Brown and was looking forward all week to her show on Wednesday night. I practically barfed when I saw PR was hosting it. Someone at the Q should teach her to look at the camera, shut up, and for goodness sake, STOP. TALKING. ABOUT. PRODUCTS. COMING. UP. 20. MINUTES. FROM. NOW. WHEN. THE. POOR. GUEST. HAS. 30. SECONDS. LEFT. TO. TALK. ABOUT. THE. PRODUCT. ON. AIR. THAT. THEY. ARE. TRYING. TO. SELL!!!
NOTE TO PATTI: You could have picked smaller boobs - you must have forgotten that the "boob" tube adds 10 pounds. Nothing against breast implants, they are just too big, imo.
This is so so funny I agree with one of the previous comments the Uh-Huh Right comments PR happened to be on just now and sure enough that's what she was saying over and over again. Again, I noticed that she does talk over the guest Yap, Yap, Yap that's why I mute it!!!
I KNEW she had a lap band! And of course she had breast augmentation. Breats are made of fat, and when you lose as much fat as Patti has, you don't suddenly grow big, perky boobs! LOL Those are as plastic as her personality. Lord, I wish she'd shut UP!
Alot of what has been posted is VERY true and humorous as hell =-). The two posts that I agree with mostly is #1 about her having a low self esteem and #2 about her having surgery or surgeries instead of loosing ALL of that weight the old fashioned way like she claimed she did with all of that "kick boxing" and "dieting". I thought the old Patti looked lovely but for the life of me I dont understand why she thought she needed to loose any weight in the 1st place. Maybe I missed something but I never heard anything about her being sick or having health problems that required a weight loss. If she was confident in who she is or better yet who she was and not so self conscious about how society perceives her then she wouldn't have felt the need to have all of that crap done to her body. I think women with her body type look lovely and should be proud to have such a beautiful frame.
Patti's voice DOES get on one's nerves. However, none of the other host interupt the guest like Lisa R. does...she is a "camera hog"...she needs to get over herself and let the vendors sell their products without her constant wonder she is not married...being married means you love someone more than yourself and she loves herself way too much to care for anyone else...good luck Patti!
So, everyone is jumping on the Patti Reilly bandwagon. Has anyone stopped to listen to Lisa R. with all her "Amazing, Amazing, Amazing"? Talk about irritating. I watched the jewelry show from Italy and had to shut it off because everything was AMAZING!!!!!!!
Hello, I just had to say what I am feeling...dosent Patti Riley know by now that the audience is hip and can see through her manic, non stop chatter, and is as unprofessional as they come?...and that Voice! no where in Television could she ever find a job with that voice, her talking down to vendors on the air, and her overall lack of knowledge..she ia particularly manic this night on Sat night beauty, I am watching on Mute, I love the products, she is however unbearable...I work in Television, my take is that she is on an anti-deppressant...the rate at which she is talking is so fast, so scattered...I feel so badly to have to say these things, but QVC dosent seem to care...she is morphing into a poor mans Lisa Robertson, who is a really poor mans Angelina...or so she would have us believe..thank you for letting me unburden myself,,, I cannot believe I am torturing myself just to see some new beauty products, time to chane the channel, I think you are all great on this site..blessings..
Lisa R. has to go! All the Amazing Amazing's are so phoney and ridiculous. I'm so sick of her constantly looking at herself in the monitors... take off the 5 inches of makeup and eyelashes and then show us what you've got, Miss Beauty Queen! YUCK... but most irritating of all, the "I'm SOOOO glad you were able to buy this"... like she gives a Royal Rip about the poor sap on the other end of the line. Can't stand her, I NEVER buy anything she's selling. Poor sales on her shows, maybe she'll get canned!
why do you care what Patti had done or not done? i like how all the armchair psychiatrists have analyzed her. by the way, check out her arms, you don't get defined biceps like that through surgery.
Big lips, boobs, hair, 3" of makeup, and a big dose of phoney sincerity.. it's all you need to be a shopping channel host. Lisa Robertson needs to consult Roget's Thesaurus and come up with a new word for 'Amazing' and 'Literally'. If she had to listen to herself, she'd take the gas pipe to escape herself. Why don't the QVC higher-ups bring these incredibly irritating habits to the attention of these people? Why must they subject the viewing public to their unprofessional behavior. An example of real class = Lisa Mason. I think she's a doll.
Re: Patti...OMG! Her show with Kathy VanZeeland today was horrendous. She constantly talked over Kathy, kept poking her hands into the bag Kathy was trying to display and at one point took the TSV and actually stepped on it after scrunching it up and rolling it into a ball!! If looks could could tell exactly what Kathy was thinking about Patti, she couldn't hide it. Shortly after, they went to a short break and Kathy was gone and her assistant showed the next item with Patti. Kathy came back on but the show was all downhill from there. Patti acted like a rude self-indulgent brat. Totally unprofessional. That's my last Patti show, it was both ugly and sad.
Lisa Robertson must stop with the amazing, amazing, amazing...suddenly NOTHING is amazing. Hose her down and let's see what's left! Her self effacing dialogue is even fake!
I agree with all the prevoius comments. I could no longer stand watchin any QVC shows that Patti Reily is hosting! She has become such a diva and acts like she deserves to act one just because she lost the weight! Who the heck does she think she is??? She is so rude!!! and soooo over acting!!! Good God QVC, PLEASE do sometnig and can her before she does more damage to the company!!!!!
Patti is the most annoying host--of course it's hard to compete with Dohmeyer and Robinson, but Patti's non-stop talking makes me wonder if she's on speed or diet pills. The low-cut, tight clothes she wears make her look like a hooker. Can't believe QVC lets her get by with it.
The reason they keep Lisa Robertson is because she sells LOTS of stuff and she's become "friends" with a lot of QVC BIG vendors like Leslie (BE) and Judith Ripka. As for Patti, I'm so over her now. She's just pathetic. I think she's trying to get a man but if she's as fake with a man as she is on QVC, that won't be happenin'!!!
Patti looks great and I am happy for her. What disappoints me is that she says she did by using common sense. If you are going to have surgery then admit it don't lie about it. And just as another post mentioned... her hands / fingers are fat and gross. She really needs to do something about that if she is going to be on TV. Funny thing tonight the gentleman guest that comes on for Jackie O jewelery put Patti in her place... he told her to "RELAX AND TAKE A BREATH NOW" you could tell he was very irritated by her !!!
Wow! She is looking very smart in these pic. I am big fan of her. I am very happy to her in her old condition. She is looking quite young now. Such a nice recovery Patti. Its impressive. Keep it up. You are looking so cute now.
I personally e-mailed Patti and asked how she did it and she replied eating meat and vegetables and less carbs. I actually thought she looked great before (we all would love a small waist). But I am sorry her personality has changed. I have nothing against the weight loss or boob-job but she is different. She use to talk about her neice and nephew a lot (which I thought was so cute)and it seems that she doesn't any more, maybe because she is so into herself these days.
Lisa Robertson is getting soooo hard to tolerate. I don't think she can get through a sentence without saying soooo. It is sooo cute, you are sooo kind, thank you sooo much. Aaaah!
Check out item J06146 - go to you gotta watch the video This is sooooo funny - Philip being such a gentleman but he had more than he could take of Patti's rude and childish bs.
I was watching the show on Nutrisystem today & the poor vendor was not able to say much...Guess who the host was??? Right...Patti...I changed channels...QVC,U need to help this girl. Jane T was also on...she looked very cute.Her hair was back to it's pretty red/brown color & she looked GREAT.I think she is a nice Lady & if U had ever been in the Nutcracker Ballet,U would also be proud...LUV the Nutcracker & go see it every year,Jane is a class act!!! Some of U people are just down right mean,on here.I like to read this blog & write on it!!! Hope U are doing better Bea. God Bless all your bloggers...remember,this is a fun site that many people enjoy.Do say what U want in a nicer way,but don't be nasty.When U do that,U are lowering your level of goodness!!!
Jesus, people. Patti did not have a boob job and she did not diet and exercise to lose weight. Her boob size goes up and down like the sun and she had a lab band. She depends on the majority of people not noticing. Wake up. That's HOW nuts she really is.
I stopped watching QVC becasue of that freakin' annoying Patti. Why in the world doesn't someone fire her? She interrupts and never shuts her trap. WHAT a horrible host.
Dear Anon of Feb 21: If you must use the Lord's name in your snide comments, please be sure to check spelling, usage, and facts: It's Lap Band; no such thing as Lab Band (unless musicians showed up in a science lab). Contrary to your humble opinion, Ms PR depends solely on the majority of people noticing her. Thank you.
Can't speak for everyone, but I for one am Not! jealous of PR or anyone else for that matter. Why must it always be suggested that negative feedback is due to jealousy, envy, hatred, etc? No one will always like everything and everyone; if you do, you're in Lah-Lah Land, Honey!
Becuz women are very competitive of each other and when another women "morphs" herself into shape and looks good and can wear a size 4 women have a tendency to become jealous. Unfortunately that's the way it is!!!
Patti didn't have a lap band put in!! She had a personal trainer and stuck to a diet custom made for her. Any other self improvement that she has made is HER OWN BUISNESS NOT YOURS!!!
Instead of living your lives sitting your asses on the couch ordering a cheap bras from a TV, why don't you go to the mall and shop and get your own exercise. You might find that will start shedding some of your pounds without a lap band.
I liked her better when she was heavier, she was more down to earth, now that's she's skinny she thinks she's all that. A viewer called in to ask how she lost of her weight and her reply "a lot of working out." I say she got a lap band, then surgery to remove the excess fat.
You know...I am over wgt and if I had the money or time and I could get my chest changed guess what I would to. So, quit hating on her and just be happy for her. So, what if she talks too much...have you ever talked to much? So, what if she is opion. so is everyone. Noone is perfect, everyone has faults. But, I will add to one thing. I don't really like people who are rude whether they are on tv or otherwise. But, even at that, everyone can be rude at times, including myself.
its not about the weight its about how awful a person she is. She is by far the most hated on QVC. The co-workers cant stand her. The public just know a fake when they see one. Jacque G really hates her and she gets alone with everone.
I agree Cupcaked it a real piece. I set up the displays when the Q cuts away. Patti always complains about how things are setup and always demands something during the break. She is the real deal and actually better since she lost the weight. Just food for thought.
I have been watching "The Q" for some time..PR has always admired LR and there is certainly nothing wrong with that..Lately PR has appeared to be under some pressure either self inflicted or from the powers that be..PR just be yourself..There are evident changes in your physical appearance as well as your personality your Carefree attitude isn't so care free anymore..Try being you..That is the person we have all loved and enjoyed..
From what I am seeing tonight...Patti is taking methamphetimines...totally racing in speech and exagerated reactions and "hyper" with lots of rude behavior...that is classic methamphetimine behavior and it definitely explains the weight loss...I don't think she had enough pounds to lose to qualify for lap band surgery.
Everything I am writing below is my own opinion.....
So I see that "miss214" came on here to make Patti look good, hmmmm In my opinion Miss214 IS PATTI... she comes on to TWoP blog infrequently and only to make these annoying posts about how gorgeous and wonderful Patti is... Even goes as far as saying that she is a fashion diva, haha what a joke!!
A fashion diva doesn't wear floor dusters and "street wear"..... Hey Patti, don't wear sleeveless tops in the dead of winter. You look so ridiculous when you can't dress appropriately for the season...
Jealousy? hell no, not this girl....the truth about her is hard to read for gosh there are so many beautiful women out there who don't act foolishy like her.... I agree with a few posters up thread, why do some automatically think we are just jealous of pitiful Patti?
This woman is so desperate and in horrible need of all the attention.... Heck anytime the viewers on the QVC board come on and post the truth about how they feel regarding her rudeness, nauseating behavior and valley girl antics etc. the post all get deleted!!!
She must have something on the top brass to get away with this.... Why they have kept her on the payroll this long is a mystery to me....
When they left her at home during the Oscar's Red Carpet show and sent Mary Beth and Shawn instead, that really showed how much she wasn't "all of that"...they were probably afraid of how she would embarass them and the Q can't afford that....
They still keep her around but she is NEVER sent to do the big shows.... That speaks volumes in my opinion... Too bad she wouldn't just stay in Los Angeles and never come back.... She would be doing 80% of the viewers a big favor!!!
I don't care how PR lost the wgt. She's doesn't act the same now & it's sad. I, too, think she's on diet pills or something. I mute out her, Jane T, Leah W, & Shawn K. Their voices and/or vocabulary are annoying. Another pet peeve I have is the dagger-like fingernails of some hosts, espec. when painted in bright colors. You can't see the product being shown for the nails! They really should wear neutral nail colors for the close-ups. The videos of Lisa R at the Italian jewelry show were "amazing" in respect to how tight & skinned back her face looked! She's had about all the plastic surgery she'll need for at least a decade. I think the Q needs to pay attention to these details. I sure like the other Lisa - a class act.
Patti R. is a sad, pathetic individual. She has had surgery and a boob job and lipo. The size of her hips and thighs were the size of the state of Texas. No one can lose that much just by dieting and exercising, especially in the thigh area. I hope she doesn't think we are all that stupid. She's a horrible host and hopefully when her contract is up they will send her on her way. I can't watch her anymore. Say what you will about Lisa R. but Lisa knows her stuff and is always prepared not like that nit wit Patti. I wish HSN would take her, I never watch them or order from them.
I came on this site to find a picture of Patty's hair because it is beautiful. I can't believe all the negative things said about her. Who cares IF she had surgery. You all sound like a bunch of jealous losers. Go get a life!!
patty why don't you shut your mouth when the vender is talking shut up shut up shut up you never shut up i wish you were gone up the river withot a paddle SHUT UP
Well hellllloooo there, Patti (Anonymous on May 3, 2010 9:56 PM). Nice to see you joined the conversation. Double points for insulting your "couch potato" customers and admitting that Breezies bras the Q hawks really are cheaply made.
IN order to keep her THUNDER thighs from blowing up again patty R will have to continue her insane diet pill life style for ever,so get used to her non stop rude behavoir.
To be sure, Patti is annoying. She may be savvy in business, but she is one stupid woman. "Literally" is, what, an eighth grade vocabulary word? I haven't heard her use it correctly once.
But, she's not exactly promoting her own line of fitness videos. Yes, I think when people ask she should tell the truth, but she really doesn't owe anybody any explanations. I understand that QVC viewers are typically more middle America-type people who like a more family-friendly QVC, and a boob job isn't really what you think of when it comes to family "entertainment," if you want to call it that. She would probably do well to dress more professional and less like she's going out for girls night when she's on the air. I remember a purple top that she wore a lot that would stretch so tight across her bosom that you could see the outline of her areolas when they zoomed in to show the product she was holding. That is when her boob job becomes a problem for me. I will admit to being jealous of her arms, but I wish she wouldn't apply lotion to them all the time. She should be proud of them, but it seems like more of an ego thing.
Anyway, it seems to me that people think her personality is so atrocious that they've taken to insulting everything about her, and the plastic surgery gives them plenty of ammunition. If she was a real sweetheart I don't think anyone would begrudge her a boob job or a little liposuction. ~jennrae
I just wanted to add that in that first photo, where Patti has that scarf in her hair and is wearing the off-white top, she looked absolutely gorgeous. I remember at the time wanting her top and thinking how she'd lost the perfect amount of weight. I WAS jealous of her then. Now, with the tan and skin-tight clothes, and to learn she's not enjoying herself after all that...what will it take, I wonder? What is she going to do to her body in an attempt to fix her inside?
In the "before" picture she looks normal, but once you see the "after," how skinny she is, it looks like she was wearing a fat suit in the before. I don't mean to say she looked bad before, it's just such a stark contrast to the too-thin after.
Can they do something about Patty's voice when she pronounces words with "s" in them. It sounds like someones fingernails down a blackboard. HELP, YIKES
OMG! I have never laughed so hard in my life!! This is great! Meth, giraffes, and mud flaps hahahahahaha! Seriously, Patti looks good but she has changed, she used to be funny and cute but now she just stares at herself in the monitors and it's extremely annoying. Yeah she looks good but not that good...She is sooo rude to everyone and doesn't let them talk as if she were the vendor.....really Patti you need to re-evaluate yourself. I have to admit that I turn off the tv when she's on, maybe she needs to watch Lisa Mason or Shawn because the both of them are wonderful!! Sorry Patti....
I happen to be watching one night when a guy walked on set and proposed to Shawn. She accepted, but I never see her wearing the ring anymore. Anyone know if she ever married?
I am a big fan of Patti. She is just a gorgeous lady. And I think she is getting more gorgeous as years passes by. I am also a big fan of her blogs. Her blog is just so interesting and informative.
Umm. OK. Interesting and informative. You have to be a friend or a relative or Patti herself. You cannot see a seriously depressed person in those posts? You are as cracked as she is.
LOL! Ever notice that she tries to get them to put the camera on her but they don't. They just go to the still shot of the product. That tells you something.
I cannot stand Judith Rivka she sits there on her big @ss with that SMUGG look like shes royalty.While Lisa Robertson sucks up to her the entire nite like a trainsd seal. They both make me sick.
That comment about Judith Ripka.. lol Classic! That is how I see them both when they are together; maybe Lisa is getting free jewelry on the side??. Judith is the biggest snob I think I have seen on QVC as far as vendors go; with the 'I don't need you to order anything from me because I am already great' attitude. Her son is great though, I have seen him a few times. OyVey, Patti -- she is not the same person, all that work she has done and has had done has made her a different more cold person; and she has turned very arrogant. I saw that episode with her and the ‘Clarks guy’ and was absolutely flabbergasted by her disrespect towards him and condescending attitude.. He has a great sense of humor so for her to tick him off.. it was bad. As far as Lisa selling the most products; the general thought process there is the time slot. She has the prime slot so she is going to sell more products than most other hosts (e.g. versus someone selling at 3AM); they also usually give her the better more popular products to sell so that helps her too. I personally have never purchased anything from home shopping, QVC or HSN, based on the hosts commetary or views on a product (e.g. I purchase B. Mak, Clarks, or Born footwear because I like them, not because Lisa says she has a pair). That dress she had on Oct 2 was fantastic, wonder where she got it?? I generally only have QVC on the TV no more than 5 minutes or so…, online is much better for me.. Online ordering accounts for 99% of my home shopping purchases. However when I do catch a few minutes……., that Nancy Hornback, I can't seem to like her no matter what I try (she kept trying to show her shoes on air the other day by back kicking her leg up in the air and it was KILLING ME with aggravation – who the hell cares, its not like they were offering them at QVC.. she was so impressed with herself and that was annoying), and now Patti, I don't care for her personality at all anymore I don’t usually stop for even two seconds when they are on. Jayne Brown, Carolyn Gracie, Jonathan, and Lisa Mason are my favs.
Sharon is wonderful and I like Jill as well, although she can change moods from day to day. I agree with those who say that Patti's personality seems to have changed with her new looks. She seems haughty and disinterested. I understand that she is proud of her weight loss but, sheez, stop telling us that you wear an XS - we all know! We get it. I've always thought she was an LR wanna-be and now she even looks the part. They used to talk about going places together, but don't anymore... hmmm. I also agree about Nancy - AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! And that's my final answer.
Okay seriously I was watching Lisa R. and Doris Dalton the other nite and I was really thinking just was the previous writer said that they looked like drag queens. Doris Dalton really looks horrible. I feel bad for her, I think she's had some bad surgery, botox, etc. It really ruined her face. I think Lisa R. would be beautiful if she would dress in less tight outfits. It really does not look well on her even though she is fit. It just looks like she is very uncomfortable. Those are my 2 cents.
Can't stand Patti R.I don't care how skinny or overweight or how much plastic surgery she has done. She's rude to the vendors & talks too much. Please get over yourself, you're not all that. As far as Lisa R. goes I agree she is stuck on herself but do like her presentations, since she is not hyper and seems to appear to respect the vendors she works with.
I think Patti is an awesome host and beautiful!! She has made great progress with her image and there is nothing wrong with trying to look "your Best" -- Way to go Patti!! : )
Patti is so annoying, forget her looks. She talks over guests and is loud and obnoxious.I hate watching her when she's on. She may know the product, but does she have to talk over the guest speaker and tell them to "hold up, hold up, over hear guys look at me" (seriously that's what she said with a TSV). You would think Q would speak to her about how rude she is.
Patti is still fat! She's really really short and naturally thick. She has wide big hips and big cankles and chubby thighs. Her butt probably smells terrible and she's very harsh looking.
Judith Ripka is very stuck up and no personality. I think her jewlerey is so ugly and made for old ladies! (horrible) Who does that fat cow think she is, judith looks like some old cross dresser.
Oh Please Ladies - get a life. If any of you ladies are a mother - how would YOU feel if Patti was your daughter and you had to hear people talk smack about her?...Who cares if she had lap band and is lying about it...It is really none of anybody's business!. No one is perfect and to tell the truth she probably looks better than any of us posting on here including ME...
I do believe Queen Bea said "latest dirt". People all have opinions about someone & people are always going to be judgemental, whether you like it or not. To say otherwise Isn't being realistic. And nobodies mother needs to read here If she doesn't like the opinions expressed. This IS America. So deal with it.
Patti, how does it feel to alot OF qvc WATCHERS CAN'T STAND YOU????? Why don't you just quit so they don't lose so much business?? We won't miss you,and while your at it take Lisa with you, you are two of a kind!! GROSS!!!!!
i remember when patti would talk about her disabled mother living with her & she seemed like a nice daughter, but have never heard her mention her again - just her dogs, redecorating a bedroom & uninteresting tidbits...she is too chatty, rude & looks demanding & self-centered now, no one would want to date her for sure.
I agree with many posters here that say Patti R. must have had a boob job, lipo and some type of weight loss surgery like a lap band, gastric bypass. Now her problem is her head, hair, boobs and ego are too big for her frame.
I think her neck looks terrible now, so maybe that will be the next surgery on the list. I can only hope that when they work on her scrawky looking neck they can tack down that constantly flapping tongue.
Each time I see her on the Q she is more rude and hyper. Diet pill will do that to you. I wouldn't be surprised to one day see someone swatting her down from the ceiling or shooting her with a tranquilizer dart.
And my goodness Patti, if your hair gets any bigger it won't fit into those monitors you constantly look at. And stop wearing clothes that are 2 sizes too small. No wait, don't! Maybe those tight garments will cut off your oxygen suppy to your mouth.
Patti shoud go on a make-up diet. She could lose another 6 pounds!
Are all you commentors NUTS? Patti is a human being! What is wrong with those of you with the NASTY comments????? I can just imagine what all of you look like!
Shame on all of you that made such nasty, negative remarks. Patti I wish you the very best, whatever you have planned for your future is better than subjecting yourself to such horrible people, you do NOT deserve this torture. Shame on the meanies. God will meet you at the gate. Good Luck Patti, you're a beautiful person, and deserve to be smiling all the time. Good Luck.
Where is Patty? I looked on the host list for HSN and she is not there. Although she look's great,nobody looses weight that fast with lap band gastric bypass is another thing!!!
Wow. First time to this site. Yes, I do have a life. I'm an RN and have a varied schedule. The amount of speculation here is "amazing"! But even more is the amount of bitchery read here. Are you women so unhappy, so vindictive that you thrive on ripping apart another human? Life right now is difficult enough. Jobs lost, homes lost, lives overseas lost. Jesus, WHO CARES if the woman had a lap band or a Roux??? It's her choice and none of your business. Dirt is one thing, but you people go for blood. I would love to see a few pics of you "ladies". Real simple solution-mute or change the channel. Imagine that!!
Too many people are addicted to judging others. I wonder the kind of daughters some of these women raise? I imagine the type that bully others on Facebook, some to the point of suicide. You "ladies" be proud of your nasty mouths and better than thou attitude. Gee, there's a role model for the future women of this country.
I bumped into this site by accident and can't believe the insecurity some of you apparently have. Leave PR alone. This is America and freedom to choose a lap band is a person's prerogative.
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wow! I had almost forgotten how much she has changed. wow. just. wow...
ReplyDeleteI know how hard it can be to get off the extra weight, so Patti has my utmost respect for getting into such good shape. She looks amazing!
ReplyDeletewell her boobs got bigger hmmmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteLooks like all her weight migrated to her chest. :-O
ReplyDeleteI applaud her efforts & tenacity to work hard & reach her goal. More of us should be doing the same thing!
ReplyDeleteshe does look great! I agree, her chest is larger. Queen B, what is the "scoop" on that?? When did she have that done??
ReplyDeletefake, fake, fake. she's gotten just as "artificial" as everybody else on tv.....disappointing. i used to really enjoy watching her. i remember staying up really late one night years ago to watch one of her turquoise shows (back when she was a newbie and had the gabrielle time slot). at the time i thought she was the cutest thing i'd ever seen. not so much now...her spark is gone. it's obvious that she's not having as much fun as she was when she was a wide-eyed rookie.
Typical of a woman losing TOO much weight instead of just some. She looks sickly now.
ReplyDeleteAw, I have worked with Patti as a vendor guest. She is a lot of fun and honestly, one of the best hosts to work with at the Q. She is professional, well-studied on the products, and one of the more accessible hosts for the vendor guests. Just my 2 cents from first hand experience............
She lost weight and became a idiot.She use to be so much fun to watch.sad sad sad
ReplyDeleteI think youve alway been such a gorgeuos woman, but know you r just Awesome! your husband is a lucky man!!!
ReplyDeleteHow much has she lost? Does anyone know? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI like Patti, and she's beautiful. Just wish she'd drop her "literally" verbal habit she got from Domeier.
ReplyDeletei'm glad i ran into this post. i knew there was something different - has P.R. had surgery too? not only is she smaller, but her hips have shrunk in a way that doesn't happen with weight loss. like others, i agree that it looks like she has had breast augmentation. what's up with that...?
ReplyDeleteHas she had her boobs done?? I've noticed lately they suddenly are more noticable and bigger.
ReplyDeleteI like Patti and always have but I think her face was prettier with some weight on it. It looks bony and muscular, but if she's happy, good for her. I know myself how hard it is to lose a lot of weight and I applaud her.I still think she's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI think about 90% of Patti's weight relocated into her head and her boobs! Hello, didn't she think we'd notice she went from nothing to double D's, oh wait, isn't that what her idol Lisa R. sports? I use to enjoy Patti, now I just change channels, she makes me sick and I weigh 115 so no jealousy here folks!
ReplyDeletejealous much girls? lmao
ReplyDeleteI see this all the time - women HATE to see other women succeed and do well.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
ReplyDeleteWho gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
ReplyDeleteWho gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
ReplyDeleteWho gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
I don't particularly care for Patti's nonstop blabbering, but she DOES look great!
ReplyDeleteWho gives a rip if she's had a boob job or if she had lipo to get rid of the excess skin or had her hips shaved down? GOOD FOR HER! Heck, I'd have done the same if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn't? If you say "not me!" then you're a liar.
ReplyDeleteVideo of early Patti.
Hip surgery? come on. Everyone knows how hard it is to recover from hip replacement. Funny how women always gets jealous when someone loses weight. She has changed-she got thinner.
ReplyDeleteLooks like she had a nose job, too, if you watch that video
ReplyDeleteShe can lose all the weight she wants, her fingers are still fat little sausages.
ReplyDeleteLast night on Beaty Beat her lips seemed much fuller, injections anyone.................
ReplyDeletePatti Reilly is an annoying piece of crap! She constantly interrupts the guests withe her "right" and "hm-mm". She needs to get fired! She sucks! I hate her and have to change the channel
ReplyDeleteit's a shame... she as become a clone of Lisa R. She has become all smoke and mirrors just like Lisa R. I hate how they both keep looking at themselves in the monitors. very annoying . The two of them are such wanna be's. Patty aleast used to have a cute personality...she has lost that too...
ReplyDeleteaww Patty. Did you have lipo or a lapband AND a boob job, all at the same time? Is that why you were AWOL from the Q for awhile?
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be nice if she could get a lapband for her mouth?
ReplyDeleteNot only is she morphing physically into - I don't know what - she's acting like a nut, too! I don't know if she thinks she's being funny or trying to insert material for a new 'audition' reel, but she's just acting plain nutty!
ReplyDeleteJeanne Bice got in a few digs when she was hosting with her...telling her she's just withered away down to nothing.
NO one loses weight that quickly (and in of course ALL the 'right places'). I'd put my money on her having lipo AND a boob job. As for her face, she's probably had that 'worked on' over the years as well. Sorry, but she looks HORRIBLE!!!! It irks me how people think she is such an 'inspiration' for weight loss. She didn't lose it naturally people!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo what if she had her breasts done & lipo. Why the big deal to anyone. You women are a bunch of "busy bodies" evidently with nothing to do. I think she looks great and I applaud her!!!
ReplyDeletehello PATTI
ReplyDeleteYou must have nothing to do either, since your here!
ReplyDelete**Waving** at Patti while she's posting here! :)
ReplyDeletepatti patti patti
ReplyDeletePeople really need to stop with the, "Did Patti get her boobs done?" stuff. From show to show her chest seems to change from size to size like phases of the moon. It is clear she didn't get a boob job. IMO, it is pretty clear that she is doing it in an effort to draw attention to herself. In other words, she is coming off as needy. She is what she is, take or or leave her. As for as I am concerned, I prefer to leaver her. IMO, she is almost as obnoxious as yum yum face.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of yum yum face, I haven't been able to watch a food show since Jethro Bodine started doing that. Now it appears that everyone is mugging for the camera during food shows.
Speaking of yum yum face, I haven't been able to watch a food show since Jethro Bodine started doing that. Now it appears that everyone is mugging for the camera during food shows.
ReplyDeleteOMG! Too funny!!!!
Yes, it also looks to me as if she has had some alteration in addition to losing quite a bit of weight. But, I certainly take my hat off to her for the weight loss. She does look great, though.
ReplyDeletepatti did not look at herself in the mirror today.good grief charlie brown
ReplyDeletei wear a extra small,and went to joan rivers many times has she said that.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why when a person lose weight she becomes a beauty queen and if you disagree, then you are jealous. WTF? Guess what people, Every skinny person isn't BEAUTIFUL. I don't lke Patty Reilly because she seems arrogant and the hissing noise she makes when she say a "s" word.I hit mute everytime she's on. The way she talk to the guest makes me want to BITCH slap her her ass. Losing weight doesn't give you a pass to be rude. I guess that's what's wrong with majority of women. We think if a person is skinny or pretty they don't need morals or class. Noooo, I'm not jealous. I think she has a really big head and wide smile. Good for her she lost weight. Trying to do the same. But you don't have to be jealous of a person not to like them. Just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Patty, lately I have noticed that she's talking down to the models like some school teacher. I wish to heck she would leave. Can't stand that voice, attitude or whatever else she is sporting. That's my opinion, I am free to give one and I am sticking to it.
ReplyDeletei really don't like patti much either, but i feel sorry for her. i doesn't look like she is very happy with her life, and i think she has depression issues. i don't care how much weight she looses, i don't think she will ever be happy with herself. by the way when does the queen bea come back? we need some new material on this website!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just found this site and I am surprised by all the negative stuff about Patti. I think she looks amazing, and she strikes me as pretty happy with her job and her life if you ask me. How did she lose all the weight? Any one know? I hadn't seen her in a long while and was shocked to see how trim she is.
ReplyDeleteHave ya read the depressed posts on her website??? She's a wreck. Very UNhappy by her OWN admission. She had to have her lap band adjusted about a week ago. How do I know? Easy. She never uttered a word about going anywhere. She just left for a week or so and came back, looking a little rough if you ask me. (And by her own admission, she's the beauty expert!) Any other time, she goes on and on about going to LA or NY. Did anyone see Claudia from Birkenstock call her on the constant bragging? It was priceless. For those of us that wish QVC would can her, Chritmas came early.
ReplyDeleteQVC shouldnt allow these women to act like celebrities & get boob jobs that show giant clevage! Ewhh she (patti r) has lately been so rude to people whom are bringing their products on air as well as models! Come on QVC how are you allowing her to be sooo rude its hard to watch sometimes, Patti R & Shawns voice kill me, (PS If ya'll dont like these blogs dont read them!) whinoos
ReplyDeleteSorry Patti but glad you are gone because you were RUDE. But look out Shawn because you are next!!!
DeletePatti looks great, but boy has her personality changed. She's so snippy and overbearing now, it's ridiculous. It really annoys me. She doesn't seem like she cares about her job anymore. As for her boobs - it is possible that if she lost weight and her breasts didn't shrink that she DIDN'T get a boob job, they're just more noticeable now.
ReplyDeleteshe has always been a idiot,and she will always be one....
ReplyDeletethe only thing that really makes me change the channel is when Patti continues to remind us that she's friends with Chaz Dean, or went to LA and hung out with Chaz Dean, or Chaz Dean and his friends came over to her house for dinner, or when she hosted Late Nite Munchies recently and went bonkers over Tony Luke," WOW,I just went to a baseball game and my guy picked out my food and it was Tony Luke, and now we can get your stuff here on QVC, wow, Tony Luke" etc, etc.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the latest Clarks shows? Patti's behavior was terrible. I had to turn it off. She was so rude to the vendor, Tom. She seems to say something she thinks is cute and then says "No, not really". Enough, try being professional!
ReplyDeleteYes, I saw the Clarks show. What was up with Patti's behavior and the representive from the Clarks company. Does anyone know what that was about? I was shocked
ReplyDeleteDear Queen Bea,
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can do something about the REAL QVC annoyance (if you don't include butchering the English language), which is the yappy voices. Patty and many other QVC hosts need to have elocution lessons. They are cute and sweet and charming with nice personalities and have voices like fingernails on a chalkboard.
HSN doesn't seem to have that problem. 9Shannon talks too fast, but as she has a deep voice it isn't as annoying.)
However, as Queen Bea, you should be able to help us here.
i have been to LA five times this year .yes i have said PATTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of you Patti has changed so much since she's started on QVC she has turned into a Lisa R wanna be, when I watch QVC most of the time the mute button is on because I can't stand most of the host's voices!!!
ReplyDeleteI have not laughed so hard in months! I started watching QVC in 2007. I was laided off from work--had too much time. I don't know how I found this message board. I guess I needed a laugh. I had just left my bedrm with the tv on because I could no longer take Patty Reilly's voice. She was on Girls night with Jayne Brown. I just could not stop laughing. Oh let me go I hear Rick doing Tanzanite! LOL
ReplyDeleteHey, if you need a giggle, Watch ShopNBC lie all night long! The other night their once only black faux fur angora popped a button Live on-air! So Classy!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness that was so funny! I have no job, no life but I started reading from this site and could not stop laughing. I know it was because I was thinking it and then to come on here and read someone else saying it---just too much.
ReplyDelete1st time poster here:
ReplyDeleteRe: Patti Reilly
I seriously wish a QVC producer would whisper to her in her little ear bud to SHUT UP, to STOP TALKING OVER THE GUESTS, and to STOP WITH THE 'RIGHT', 'UH-HUH', 'ETC.' COMMENTS! I love Bobbi Brown and was looking forward all week to her show on Wednesday night. I practically barfed when I saw PR was hosting it. Someone at the Q should teach her to look at the camera, shut up, and for goodness sake, STOP. TALKING. ABOUT. PRODUCTS. COMING. UP. 20. MINUTES. FROM. NOW. WHEN. THE. POOR. GUEST. HAS. 30. SECONDS. LEFT. TO. TALK. ABOUT. THE. PRODUCT. ON. AIR. THAT. THEY. ARE. TRYING. TO. SELL!!!
NOTE TO PATTI: You could have picked smaller boobs - you must have forgotten that the "boob" tube adds 10 pounds. Nothing against breast implants, they are just too big, imo.
Steps off soap box.
This is so so funny I agree with one of the previous comments the Uh-Huh Right comments PR happened to be on just now and sure enough that's what she was saying over and over again.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I noticed that she does talk over the guest Yap, Yap, Yap that's why I mute it!!!
I KNEW she had a lap band! And of course she had breast augmentation. Breats are made of fat, and when you lose as much fat as Patti has, you don't suddenly grow big, perky boobs! LOL Those are as plastic as her personality. Lord, I wish she'd shut UP!
ReplyDeleteAlot of what has been posted is VERY true and humorous as hell =-). The two posts that I agree with mostly is #1 about her having a low self esteem and #2 about her having surgery or surgeries instead of loosing ALL of that weight the old fashioned way like she claimed she did with all of that "kick boxing" and "dieting". I thought the old Patti looked lovely but for the life of me I dont understand why she thought she needed to loose any weight in the 1st place. Maybe I missed something but I never heard anything about her being sick or having health problems that required a weight loss. If she was confident in who she is or better yet who she was and not so self conscious about how society perceives her then she wouldn't have felt the need to have all of that crap done to her body. I think women with her body type look lovely and should be proud to have such a beautiful frame.
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened with Pat's Demintri's dirty divorce?
ReplyDeletePatti's voice DOES get on one's nerves. However, none of the other host interupt the guest like Lisa R. does...she is a "camera hog"...she needs to get over herself and let the vendors sell their products without her constant wonder she is not married...being married means you love someone more than yourself and she loves herself way too much to care for anyone else...good luck Patti!
ReplyDeleteSo, everyone is jumping on the Patti Reilly bandwagon. Has anyone stopped to listen to Lisa R. with all her "Amazing, Amazing, Amazing"? Talk about irritating. I watched the jewelry show from Italy and had to shut it off because everything was AMAZING!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHello, I just had to say what I am feeling...dosent Patti Riley know by now that the audience is hip and can see through her manic, non stop chatter, and is as unprofessional as they come?...and that Voice! no where in Television could she ever find a job with that voice, her talking down to vendors on the air, and her overall lack of knowledge..she ia particularly manic this night on Sat night beauty, I am watching on Mute, I love the products, she is however unbearable...I work in Television, my take is that she is on an anti-deppressant...the rate at which she is talking is so fast, so scattered...I feel so badly to have to say these things, but QVC dosent seem to care...she is morphing into a poor mans Lisa Robertson, who is a really poor mans Angelina...or so she would have us believe..thank you for letting me unburden myself,,, I cannot believe I am torturing myself just to see some new beauty products, time to chane the channel, I think you are all great on this site..blessings..
ReplyDeleteYou had a nice and really thought provoking post.. I enjoyed reading it.. God bless..
Deletehi everyone
ReplyDeleteLisa R. has to go! All the Amazing Amazing's are so phoney and ridiculous. I'm so sick of her constantly looking at herself in the monitors... take off the 5 inches of makeup and eyelashes and then show us what you've got, Miss Beauty Queen! YUCK... but most irritating of all, the "I'm SOOOO glad you were able to buy this"... like she gives a Royal Rip about the poor sap on the other end of the line. Can't stand her, I NEVER buy anything she's selling. Poor sales on her shows, maybe she'll get canned!
ReplyDeletewhy do you care what Patti had done or not done? i like how all the armchair psychiatrists have analyzed her. by the way, check out her arms, you don't get defined biceps like that through surgery.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to check out 'Patti Reilly is Leaving' and 'Patti Reilly is Staying' also. Both part of HSQ. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI hate Patti now! She is such a Diva. Bring back chubby Patti she was more real, slim Patti is to much!
ReplyDeleteBig lips, boobs, hair, 3" of makeup, and a big dose of phoney sincerity.. it's all you need to be a shopping channel host. Lisa Robertson needs to consult Roget's Thesaurus and come up with a new word for 'Amazing' and 'Literally'. If she had to listen to herself, she'd take the gas pipe to escape herself. Why don't the QVC higher-ups bring these incredibly irritating habits to the attention of these people? Why must they subject the viewing public to their unprofessional behavior. An example of real class = Lisa Mason. I think she's a doll.
ReplyDeleteRe: Patti...OMG! Her show with Kathy VanZeeland today was horrendous. She constantly talked over Kathy, kept poking her hands into the bag Kathy was trying to display and at one point took the TSV and actually stepped on it after scrunching it up and rolling it into a ball!! If looks could could tell exactly what Kathy was thinking about Patti, she couldn't hide it. Shortly after, they went to a short break and Kathy was gone and her assistant showed the next item with Patti. Kathy came back on but the show was all downhill from there. Patti acted like a rude self-indulgent brat. Totally unprofessional. That's my last Patti show, it was both ugly and sad.
ReplyDeleteLisa Robertson must stop with the amazing, amazing, amazing...suddenly NOTHING is amazing.
ReplyDeleteHose her down and let's see what's left! Her self effacing dialogue is even fake!
I agree with all the prevoius comments. I could no longer stand watchin any QVC shows that Patti Reily is hosting! She has become such a diva and acts like she deserves to act one just because she lost the weight! Who the heck does she think she is??? She is so rude!!! and soooo over acting!!! Good God QVC, PLEASE do sometnig and can her before she does more damage to the company!!!!!
ReplyDeletePatti is the most annoying host--of course it's hard to compete with Dohmeyer and Robinson, but Patti's non-stop talking makes me wonder if she's on speed or diet pills. The low-cut, tight clothes she wears make her look like a hooker. Can't believe QVC lets her get by with it.
ReplyDeleteLadies, ladies, ladies....
ReplyDeleteThe reason they keep Lisa Robertson is because she sells LOTS of stuff and she's become "friends" with a lot of QVC BIG vendors like Leslie (BE) and Judith Ripka. As for Patti, I'm so over her now. She's just pathetic. I think she's trying to get a man but if she's as fake with a man as she is on QVC, that won't be happenin'!!!
Patti looks great and I am happy for her. What disappoints me is that she says she did by using common sense. If you are going to have surgery then admit it don't lie about it. And just as another post mentioned... her hands / fingers are fat and gross. She really needs to do something about that if she is going to be on TV. Funny thing tonight the gentleman guest that comes on for Jackie O jewelery put Patti in her place... he told her to "RELAX AND TAKE A BREATH NOW" you could tell he was very irritated by her !!!
ReplyDeleteWow! She is looking very smart in these pic. I am big fan of her. I am very happy to her in her old condition. She is looking quite young now. Such a nice recovery Patti. Its impressive. Keep it up. You are looking so cute now.
ReplyDeleteI personally e-mailed Patti and asked how she did it and she replied eating meat and vegetables and less carbs. I actually thought she looked great before (we all would love a small waist). But I am sorry her personality has changed. I have nothing against the weight loss or boob-job but she is different. She use to talk about her neice and nephew a lot (which I thought was so cute)and it seems that she doesn't any more, maybe because she is so into herself these days.
ReplyDeleteLisa Robertson looks like an old drag queen!!!
ReplyDeleteLisa Robertson is getting soooo hard to tolerate. I don't think she can get through a sentence without saying soooo. It is sooo cute, you are sooo kind, thank you sooo much. Aaaah!
ReplyDeleteShe looks amazing now! She's definitely NOT too thin, just right!
ReplyDeleteYay, Patti!!!
Patty has picked up a few pounds and i agree she looks much better.She has a average to large frame for her to get to skinny looks bad
ReplyDeleteCheck out item J06146 - go to you gotta watch the video
ReplyDeleteThis is sooooo funny - Philip being such a gentleman but he had more than he could take of Patti's rude and childish bs.
Doris Dalton's face looks like plastic surgery gone bad, the lips look like tractor trailer intertubes, Lisa R and Doris look like drag queens
ReplyDeleteKate the so called model looks like a graffe reaching into a tree to eat leaves
ReplyDeleteLeslie from BE sure could use some plastic surgery and the hands look like a 90 year old
ReplyDeletePatti wears the sleeveless tops when the weather is freezing, is she trying to compete with Mrs. Obama
ReplyDeletePatti reilly was sure showing off her hugh inflatables she sure is trying very hard.
ReplyDeleteI was watching the show on Nutrisystem today & the poor vendor was not able to say much...Guess who the host was???
ReplyDeleteRight...Patti...I changed channels...QVC,U need to help this girl.
Jane T was also on...she looked very cute.Her hair was back to it's pretty red/brown color &
she looked GREAT.I think she is a nice Lady & if U had ever been in the Nutcracker Ballet,U
would also be proud...LUV the Nutcracker & go see it every year,Jane is a class act!!!
Some of U people are just down right mean,on here.I like to read this blog & write on it!!!
Hope U are doing better Bea.
God Bless all your bloggers...remember,this is a fun site that many people enjoy.Do say what U want in a nicer way,but don't be nasty.When U do that,U are lowering your level of goodness!!!
Jesus, people. Patti did not have a boob job and she did not diet and exercise to lose weight. Her boob size goes up and down like the sun and she had a lab band. She depends on the majority of people not noticing. Wake up. That's HOW nuts she really is.
ReplyDeleteHa! You people are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI stopped watching QVC becasue of that freakin' annoying Patti. Why in the world doesn't someone fire her? She interrupts and never shuts her trap. WHAT a horrible host.
ReplyDeleteDear Anon of Feb 21: If you must use the Lord's name in your snide comments, please be sure to check spelling, usage, and facts: It's Lap Band; no such thing as Lab Band (unless musicians showed up in a science lab). Contrary to your humble opinion, Ms PR depends solely on the majority of people noticing her. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a disgusting site. I feel dirty. Shame, shame.
ReplyDeleteMZZZZ Reily should have a Lap Band around her BIG FAT MOUTH!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe only reason every one despises Patti so much is because they are all JEALOUS!
ReplyDeleteCan't speak for everyone, but I for one am Not! jealous of PR or anyone else for that matter. Why must it always be suggested that negative feedback is due to jealousy, envy, hatred, etc? No one will always like everything and everyone; if you do, you're in Lah-Lah Land, Honey!
ReplyDeleteBecuz women are very competitive of each other and when another women "morphs" herself into shape and looks good and can wear a size 4 women have a tendency to become jealous. Unfortunately that's the way it is!!!
ReplyDeleteOh! Why didn't I think of that!! Pulllll-eeeeeeez don't include me in your analogy of women - whadda sicko way to go thru life. amen.
ReplyDeletePatti didn't have a lap band put in!! She had a personal trainer and stuck to a diet custom made for her. Any other self improvement that she has made is HER OWN BUISNESS NOT YOURS!!!
ReplyDeleteInstead of living your lives sitting your asses on the couch ordering a cheap bras from a TV, why don't you go to the mall and shop and get your own exercise. You might find that will start shedding some of your pounds without a lap band.
I liked her better when she was heavier, she was more down to earth, now that's she's skinny she thinks she's all that. A viewer called in to ask how she lost of her weight and her reply "a lot of working out." I say she got a lap band, then surgery to remove the excess fat.
ReplyDeleteWatched patti last night and she looks like her mudd flaps are getting wide again her @ss was hanging over the side of the chair.
ReplyDeleteYou know...I am over wgt and if I had the money or time and I could get my chest changed guess what I would to. So, quit hating on her and just be happy for her. So, what if she talks too much...have you ever talked to much? So, what if she is opion. so is everyone. Noone is perfect, everyone has faults. But, I will add to one thing. I don't really like people who are rude whether they are on tv or otherwise. But, even at that, everyone can be rude at times, including myself.
ReplyDeleteMuddFlaps and wide @ss - wonderful stuff! Thanks, whoever you may be. I truly needed that >^..^<
ReplyDeleteThat patti reilly woman is sure a piece of work . So glad i dont have to be around a person like that on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteits not about the weight its about how awful a person she is. She is by far the most hated on QVC. The co-workers cant stand her. The public just know a fake when they see one. Jacque G really hates her and she gets alone with everone.
ReplyDeleteTo the last anon poster: How would YOU know who "hates" who? How would YOU know what the "public" knows? Geesh!
ReplyDeleteCupCaked your a moron. Did you ever hear of someone working there??? Thats how its called a job.
ReplyDeleteI agree Cupcaked it a real piece. I set up the displays when the Q cuts away. Patti always complains about how things are setup and always demands something during the break. She is the real deal and actually better since she lost the weight. Just food for thought.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching "The Q" for some time..PR has always admired LR and there is certainly nothing wrong with that..Lately PR has appeared to be under some pressure either self inflicted or from the powers that be..PR just be yourself..There are evident changes in your physical appearance as well as your personality your Carefree attitude isn't so care free anymore..Try being you..That is the person we have all loved and enjoyed..
ReplyDeleteFrom what I am seeing tonight...Patti is taking methamphetimines...totally racing in speech and exagerated reactions and "hyper" with lots of rude behavior...that is classic methamphetimine behavior and it definitely explains the weight loss...I don't think she had enough pounds to lose to qualify for lap band surgery.
ReplyDeleteThey're all leaving because of Shannon. I wish Patti the best. She looks great. Good Luck, Patti!
ReplyDeleteEverything I am writing below is my own opinion.....
ReplyDeleteSo I see that "miss214" came on here to make Patti look good, hmmmm
In my opinion Miss214 IS PATTI...
she comes on to TWoP blog infrequently and only to make these annoying posts about how gorgeous and wonderful Patti is...
Even goes as far as saying that she is a fashion diva, haha what a joke!!
A fashion diva doesn't wear floor dusters and "street wear".....
Hey Patti, don't wear sleeveless tops in the dead of winter. You look so ridiculous when you can't dress appropriately for the season...
Jealousy? hell no, not this girl....the truth about her is hard to read for gosh there are so many beautiful women out there who don't act foolishy like her....
I agree with a few posters up thread, why do some automatically think we are just jealous of pitiful Patti?
This woman is so desperate and in horrible need of all the attention....
Heck anytime the viewers on the QVC board come on and post the truth about how they feel regarding her rudeness, nauseating behavior and valley girl antics etc. the post all get deleted!!!
She must have something on the top brass to get away with this....
Why they have kept her on the payroll this long is a mystery to me....
When they left her at home during the Oscar's Red Carpet show and sent Mary Beth and Shawn instead, that really showed how much she wasn't "all of that"...they were probably afraid of how she would embarass them and the Q can't afford that....
They still keep her around but she is NEVER sent to do the big shows....
That speaks volumes in my opinion...
Too bad she wouldn't just stay in Los Angeles and never come back....
She would be doing 80% of the viewers a big favor!!!
I don't care how PR lost the wgt. She's doesn't act the same now & it's sad. I, too, think she's on diet pills or something. I mute out her, Jane T, Leah W, & Shawn K. Their voices and/or vocabulary are annoying. Another pet peeve I have is the dagger-like fingernails of some hosts, espec. when painted in bright colors. You can't see the product being shown for the nails! They really should wear neutral nail colors for the close-ups.
ReplyDeleteThe videos of Lisa R at the Italian jewelry show were "amazing" in respect to how tight & skinned back her face looked! She's had about all the plastic surgery she'll need for at least a decade. I think the Q needs to pay attention to these details. I sure like the other Lisa - a class act.
Patti R. is a sad, pathetic individual. She has had surgery and a boob job and lipo. The size of her hips and thighs were the size of the state of Texas. No one can lose that much just by dieting and exercising, especially in the thigh area. I hope she doesn't think we are all that stupid. She's a horrible host and hopefully when her contract is up they will send her on her way. I can't watch her anymore. Say what you will about Lisa R. but Lisa knows her stuff and is always prepared not like that nit wit Patti. I wish HSN would take her, I never watch them or order from them.
ReplyDeleteI came on this site to find a picture of Patty's hair because it is beautiful. I can't believe all the negative things said about her. Who cares IF she had surgery. You all sound like a bunch of jealous losers. Go get a life!!
ReplyDeletepatty why don't you shut your mouth when the vender is talking shut up shut up shut up you never shut up i wish you were gone up the river withot a paddle SHUT UP
ReplyDeleteWell hellllloooo there, Patti (Anonymous on May 3, 2010 9:56 PM). Nice to see you joined the conversation. Double points for insulting your "couch potato" customers and admitting that Breezies bras the Q hawks really are cheaply made.
ReplyDeleteIN order to keep her THUNDER thighs from blowing up again patty R will have to continue her insane diet pill life style for ever,so get used to her non stop rude behavoir.
ReplyDeleteTo be sure, Patti is annoying. She may be savvy in business, but she is one stupid woman. "Literally" is, what, an eighth grade vocabulary word? I haven't heard her use it correctly once.
ReplyDeleteBut, she's not exactly promoting her own line of fitness videos. Yes, I think when people ask she should tell the truth, but she really doesn't owe anybody any explanations. I understand that QVC viewers are typically more middle America-type people who like a more family-friendly QVC, and a boob job isn't really what you think of when it comes to family "entertainment," if you want to call it that. She would probably do well to dress more professional and less like she's going out for girls night when she's on the air. I remember a purple top that she wore a lot that would stretch so tight across her bosom that you could see the outline of her areolas when they zoomed in to show the product she was holding. That is when her boob job becomes a problem for me. I will admit to being jealous of her arms, but I wish she wouldn't apply lotion to them all the time. She should be proud of them, but it seems like more of an ego thing.
Anyway, it seems to me that people think her personality is so atrocious that they've taken to insulting everything about her, and the plastic surgery gives them plenty of ammunition. If she was a real sweetheart I don't think anyone would begrudge her a boob job or a little liposuction.
I just wanted to add that in that first photo, where Patti has that scarf in her hair and is wearing the off-white top, she looked absolutely gorgeous. I remember at the time wanting her top and thinking how she'd lost the perfect amount of weight. I WAS jealous of her then. Now, with the tan and skin-tight clothes, and to learn she's not enjoying herself after all that...what will it take, I wonder? What is she going to do to her body in an attempt to fix her inside?
ReplyDeleteIn the "before" picture she looks normal, but once you see the "after," how skinny she is, it looks like she was wearing a fat suit in the before. I don't mean to say she looked bad before, it's just such a stark contrast to the too-thin after.
I dont know why but i feel sorry for patty reilly it just seems there is so much going on beneath the surface.
ReplyDeleteCan they do something about Patty's voice when she pronounces words with "s" in them. It sounds like someones fingernails down a blackboard. HELP, YIKES
ReplyDeleteI like QVC and am a frequent customer, but when Patti R. comes on, I have to turn it off, even if I have been waiting for the show. What a shame.
ReplyDeleteOMG! I have never laughed so hard in my life!! This is great! Meth, giraffes, and mud flaps hahahahahaha! Seriously, Patti looks good but she has changed, she used to be funny and cute but now she just stares at herself in the monitors and it's extremely annoying. Yeah she looks good but not that good...She is sooo rude to everyone and doesn't let them talk as if she were the vendor.....really Patti you need to re-evaluate yourself. I have to admit that I turn off the tv when she's on, maybe she needs to watch Lisa Mason or Shawn because the both of them are wonderful!! Sorry Patti....
ReplyDeleteI happen to be watching one night when a guy walked on set and proposed to Shawn. She accepted, but I never see her wearing the ring anymore. Anyone know if she ever married?
ReplyDeleteYou can tell that beaneath it all she is still an insecure FAT girl!!!
ReplyDeletePatti has NOT had a boob job. The size goes up and down based on whatever bra she is wearing. Pay attention, people.
ReplyDeleteHave a read her blog lately? She's on the path to a nervous breakdown.
I am a big fan of Patti. She is just a gorgeous lady. And I think she is getting more gorgeous as years passes by. I am also a big fan of her blogs. Her blog is just so interesting and informative.
ReplyDeleteUmm. OK. Interesting and informative. You have to be a friend or a relative or Patti herself. You cannot see a seriously depressed person in those posts? You are as cracked as she is.
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry. You can't be Patti. She is on the air right now. Not letting the guest get a word in. Again.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Ever notice that she tries to get them to put the camera on her but they don't. They just go to the still shot of the product. That tells you something.
ReplyDeleteanyone know patty reillys age? My husband said early 40s. I say late 30s. Dinner is riding on this!
ReplyDeleteHer Thighness Patti Reilly looks to be in her early fortys to me.
ReplyDeleteI cannot stand Judith Rivka she sits there on her big @ss with that SMUGG look like shes royalty.While Lisa Robertson sucks up to her the entire nite like a trainsd seal. They both make me sick.
ReplyDeletePatti is currently 38 or 39. She will be 39 or 40 this December, on the 15th.
ReplyDeleteThat comment about Judith Ripka.. lol Classic! That is how I see them both when they are together; maybe Lisa is getting free jewelry on the side??. Judith is the biggest snob I think I have seen on QVC as far as vendors go; with the 'I don't need you to order anything from me because I am already great' attitude. Her son is great though, I have seen him a few times. OyVey, Patti -- she is not the same person, all that work she has done and has had done has made her a different more cold person; and she has turned very arrogant. I saw that episode with her and the ‘Clarks guy’ and was absolutely flabbergasted by her disrespect towards him and condescending attitude.. He has a great sense of humor so for her to tick him off.. it was bad.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Lisa selling the most products; the general thought process there is the time slot. She has the prime slot so she is going to sell more products than most other hosts (e.g. versus someone selling at 3AM); they also usually give her the better more popular products to sell so that helps her too. I personally have never purchased anything from home shopping, QVC or HSN, based on the hosts commetary or views on a product (e.g. I purchase B. Mak, Clarks, or Born footwear because I like them, not because Lisa says she has a pair). That dress she had on Oct 2 was fantastic, wonder where she got it??
I generally only have QVC on the TV no more than 5 minutes or so…, online is much better for me.. Online ordering accounts for 99% of my home shopping purchases. However when I do catch a few minutes……., that Nancy Hornback, I can't seem to like her no matter what I try (she kept trying to show her shoes on air the other day by back kicking her leg up in the air and it was KILLING ME with aggravation – who the hell cares, its not like they were offering them at QVC.. she was so impressed with herself and that was annoying), and now Patti, I don't care for her personality at all anymore I don’t usually stop for even two seconds when they are on. Jayne Brown, Carolyn Gracie, Jonathan, and Lisa Mason are my favs.
Sharon is wonderful and I like Jill as well, although she can change moods from day to day. I agree with those who say that Patti's personality seems to have changed with her new looks. She seems haughty and disinterested. I understand that she is proud of her weight loss but, sheez, stop telling us that you wear an XS - we all know! We get it. I've always thought she was an LR wanna-be and now she even looks the part. They used to talk about going places together, but don't anymore... hmmm. I also agree about Nancy - AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !
ReplyDeleteAnd that's my final answer.
Okay seriously I was watching Lisa R. and Doris Dalton the other nite and I was really thinking just was the previous writer said that they looked like drag queens. Doris Dalton really looks horrible. I feel bad for her, I think she's had some bad surgery, botox, etc. It really ruined her face. I think Lisa R. would be beautiful if she would dress in less tight outfits. It really does not look well on her even though she is fit. It just looks like she is very uncomfortable. Those are my 2 cents.
ReplyDeleteCan't stand Patti R.I don't care how skinny or overweight or how much plastic surgery she has done. She's rude to the vendors & talks too much. Please get over yourself, you're not all that. As far as Lisa R. goes I agree she is stuck on herself but do like her presentations, since she is not hyper and seems to appear to respect the vendors she works with.
ReplyDeleteI think Patti is an awesome host and beautiful!! She has made great progress with her image and there is nothing wrong with trying to look "your Best" -- Way to go Patti!! : )
ReplyDeletePatti is so annoying, forget her looks. She talks over guests and is loud and obnoxious.I hate watching her when she's on. She may know the product, but does she have to talk over the guest speaker and tell them to "hold up, hold up, over hear guys look at me" (seriously that's what she said with a TSV). You would think Q would speak to her about how rude she is.
ReplyDeletePatti is still fat! She's really really short and naturally thick.
ReplyDeleteShe has wide big hips and big cankles and chubby thighs.
Her butt probably smells terrible and she's very harsh looking.
Judith Ripka is very stuck up and no personality.
ReplyDeleteI think her jewlerey is so ugly and made for old ladies! (horrible)
Who does that fat cow think she is, judith looks like some old cross dresser.
Patti is a true insecure fat girl,always will be and Im sure she's starving herself,if not she'll balloon up in no time!
Oh Please Ladies - get a life. If any of you ladies are a mother - how would YOU feel if Patti was your daughter and you had to hear people talk smack about her?...Who cares if she had lap band and is lying about it...It is really none of anybody's business!. No one is perfect and to tell the truth she probably looks better than any of us posting on here including ME...
ReplyDeleteI do believe Queen Bea said "latest dirt". People all have opinions about someone & people are always going to be judgemental, whether you like it or not. To say otherwise
ReplyDeleteIsn't being realistic. And nobodies mother
needs to read here If she doesn't like the
opinions expressed. This IS America. So deal with it.
Patti, how does it feel to alot OF qvc WATCHERS CAN'T STAND YOU????? Why don't you just quit so they don't lose so much business?? We won't miss you,and while your at it take Lisa with you, you are two of a kind!! GROSS!!!!!
ReplyDeletei remember when patti would talk about her disabled mother living with her & she seemed like a nice daughter, but have never heard her mention her again - just her dogs, redecorating a bedroom & uninteresting tidbits...she is too chatty, rude & looks demanding & self-centered now, no one would want to date her for sure.
ReplyDeleteI dont know why she is so disliked-there is something called the mute button!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with many posters here that say Patti R. must have had a boob job, lipo and some type of weight loss surgery like a lap band, gastric bypass. Now her problem is her head, hair, boobs and ego are too big for her frame.
ReplyDeleteI think her neck looks terrible now, so maybe that will be the next surgery on the list. I can only hope that when they work on her scrawky looking neck they can tack down that constantly flapping tongue.
Each time I see her on the Q she is more rude and hyper. Diet pill will do that to you. I wouldn't be surprised to one day see someone swatting her down from the ceiling or shooting her with a tranquilizer dart.
And my goodness Patti, if your hair gets any bigger it won't fit into those monitors you constantly look at. And stop wearing clothes that are 2 sizes too small. No wait, don't! Maybe those tight garments will cut off your oxygen suppy to your mouth.
Patti shoud go on a make-up diet. She could lose another 6 pounds!
Are all you commentors NUTS?
ReplyDeletePatti is a human being! What is wrong with those of you with the NASTY comments?????
I can just imagine what all of you look like!
Shame on all of you that made such nasty, negative remarks. Patti I wish you the very best, whatever you have planned for your future is better than subjecting yourself to such horrible people, you do NOT deserve this torture. Shame on the meanies. God will meet you at the gate. Good Luck Patti, you're a beautiful person, and deserve to be smiling all the time. Good Luck.
ReplyDeletePatti Reilly is the one who is nuttssss!
ReplyDeleteTotal whack job!!!!!!!
Where is Patty? I looked on the host list for HSN and she is not there. Although she look's great,nobody looses weight that fast with lap band gastric bypass is another thing!!!
ReplyDeletePatti was on QVC not HSN...and yes you can lose a lot of weight fast with lap band.
ReplyDeleteWow. First time to this site. Yes, I do have a life. I'm an RN and have a varied schedule. The amount of speculation here is "amazing"! But even more is the amount of bitchery read here. Are you women so unhappy, so vindictive that you thrive on ripping apart another human? Life right now is difficult enough. Jobs lost, homes lost, lives overseas lost. Jesus, WHO CARES if the woman had a lap band or a Roux??? It's her choice and none of your business. Dirt is one thing, but you people go for blood. I would love to see a few pics of you "ladies". Real simple solution-mute or change the channel. Imagine that!!
ReplyDeleteToo many people are addicted to judging others. I wonder the kind of daughters some of these women raise? I imagine the type that bully others on Facebook, some to the point of suicide. You "ladies" be proud of your nasty mouths and better than thou attitude. Gee, there's a role model for the future women of this country.
ReplyDeleteHey Scoop!
ReplyDeleteYour court is full of turds:)
I bumped into this site by accident and can't believe the insecurity some of you apparently have. Leave PR alone. This is America and freedom to choose a lap band is a person's prerogative.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I didn't like about Patti Riley is she got so conceited after her weight loss and thought she was "all that". It really turned me off.
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