Word is, QVC is going to be rolling out another new host soon, Albany Irvin.
According to the bio on her website, Albany grew up as a military brat who worked to become a dentist (she's gonna be all over those SuperSmile presentations!) However, her plans were put aside when she fell in love with the camera. In addition to her hosting and commercial work, she's also another "busy mom" since she's married with three kids. (Note to Albany: If you didn't already know, "busy mom" is an entire category of home shopping hosts. As a busy mom host, you are required to say something like: I don't have time to fuss. I'm a busy mom! That's why this product is perfect. I can just throw it on with a crisp white shirt and I'm out the door!)
Check out her host reel:
You can check out her website here, her blog that she forgot about here, her MySpace here, and her Facebook here.
So the first part of her demo reel she talks about her boobs and that she's constipated. Now that's a class act..Way to go QVC!
ReplyDeleteShe's a hoot! She's done a bunch of infomercials, so if the face is familiar, that's why.
ReplyDeleteAnd she is...I must say... another reason for Hugh Jee to watch QVC and not buy a damned thing!
Wow. I agree Hugh Jee. Gorgeous red head. Can't wait for her to show up.
ReplyDeleteI guess turnabout is fair play. The ladies were drooling over the new guy. At least the Q is trying to provide eye candy for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI am underwhelmed. --Q.C.
ReplyDeleteI really like her! I love her quote, "... 1.5 husbands, because you never completely get rid of the ex." LOL!
ReplyDeleteReally, really obnoxious. I'm so sick of fake people.
ReplyDeleteSO VERY TRUE!!
DeleteDoes anyone know what happened to the English speaking hostess - She just seem to disappear.
ReplyDeleteI actually met her while I was doing my QVC guest host training-- she's adorable and seems incredibly nice. Very "high energy," similar to Shawn Killinger. And she really pops on QVC-cam with that red hair. I think she'll do very well!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ MAY 28, 2009, 10:53 AM
Anonymous @ JULY 10, 2009, 12:32 AM
...My thoughts exactly!!
A Noy Ing
ReplyDeleteI like the energy but I hope she doesn't talk a mile a minute on air. That could get irritating.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief! Blah, Blah, Blah. The one thing I have always loved about QVC is the class of their host's. I can change a tire and a diaper?! That's what you're selling yourself on? So could my mom. Compared to HSN, they win; hands down.HSN is like a 2nd hand shopping network to me. Their set, the host, everything seems second hand. But QVC seem as if they are getting a bunch of pretty blabber mouths. C'mon QVC we need more Lisa Mason, Lisa Robertson, Leah Williams. Where's the class? I guess when you can change a tire and a diaper you don't need any! No, I'm not jealous, I am a women with an opinion.
ReplyDeleteI agree w/ all you've said, except Leah, she is very classy, but so hyper, she actually makes me anxious & gives me a headache IMO anyway.
DeleteSpeaking of Leah Williams, where did she go? Haven't seen her in a while.
ReplyDeleteI've watched her for the second time; she's been on a long time, all night, with this Dennis Basso show. Boy, is she dumb! She's more in the way as a hindrance than a help as a host.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand her squeaky voice, either, and she's not too good to watch. Worst of all are the idiotic things she lets leak from her mouth.
I don't see her lasting. She's as dopey as former host Sheila Johnson was, but only about one-third as appealing to look at, and with less than half of Sheila's sunny personality and genteel demeanor. If they got rid of Sheila for low sales or for being dumb, I can't see them keeping Albany. Only good thing about her is her New York name.
I totally agree with you !!
DeleteAlbany has zero class. I loved it when she made a comment about having enough breast milk to feed the neighborhood cereal while selling a Breezies bra. Who is making the decision to hire these idiots? They have to work for almost no money.
ReplyDeleteSo, it seems that Leah Williams must see the same doctor that Patti Reilly sees. Much as I enjoyed both of them before, they both returned from their absences looking like Stepford Wives. The reason these two were so well liked is that they were "real" people. If I have to watch Patti looking at herself and fixing her hair in the viewer much longer, I will gag. She has adopted the same stance as Lisa Robertson while selling, with one leg jutted out to the side. Drives me crazy.
ReplyDeleteAlbany is the best :) Any very natural !
DeleteWhat does everyone think of that newish "teenage boy" they having working overnight? Does anyone agree that he needs to improve his presentation skills FAST or they should fire him?! Just watching him makes me so uncomfortable, I have to change the station!
ReplyDeleteI just can't stand her. She just seems fake or something. Everytime I watch her I want to like her but, I just can't.
ReplyDeleteRegarding some QVC people: Lisa Robertson, Lisa Mason, and Patti Reilly are too self-conscience of their appearance, hence the constant "checking themselves out in their monitors. Very unappealing/distracting to the viewer. The "collagen lip club" Pat James Dimentri, and that model on the morning Angela (angela jolie wannabe)-she looks downright scary! If I ever thought of doing collagen, I just think of those 2 and say No way. I don't want to be a fish face.
ReplyDeleteMost of us are mothers and pretty amazing in our own way....Why does she have to keep telling us how fantasitic she is in not so sutble terms??? I agree with some of the other posts.... I would like to watch someone more "real" I do like Lisa Robertson but If she has to say she is an "X-TRA SMALL SIZE 6" ONE MORE TIME ON AIR I WILL DIE! LOL They are trying to become celebrities and I don't watch QVC for that reason!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad she's not MY mom. Seriously, I've met the "Albany" type a million times over. They were the ones dropping their kids off at my house and couldn't pause for a moment of casual conversation because they always had to "scoot." Upwardly mobile, they were constantly on the prowl for the latest home decor item, piece of property, etc., etc. My kids enjoyed the pleasure of their kid's company while I wiped the peanut butter from their little one's chins day after day. I'm not complaining as I now have two amazingly well-adjusted adult children but I have to wonder why women like Albany have kids in the first place? Albany said on-air that she won't let her daughter have her friends for a sleep-over because that would be too much effort. Really? For a high energy gal like you? Are you serious, Albany?
ReplyDeleteI happened across this blog just now right after I was pleasantly surprised to find my GREAT friend Albany on QVC today! I had totally forgotten she landed the job...quite a busy last year for me, so I feel bad. SO, after quickly sending her my congratulations, I perused the web some for more info I may have missed. I was bored, having a rare sick day off work today. I've known her and her family very well since the 90's. The reason she "seems" real is because who you see IS Albany. She is by far the most positive, glowing, vibrantly REAL, compassionate person I have EVER met in my life and believe me that is saying alot. Seriously, I even just TiVo-d Q-check just so I can watch her when I'm missing my friends! THAT is how real she is on-air...simply my girlfriend of several years. Beautiful, inspiring Albany. At any church or community event we attended, she could be holding one of her babies, chatting with a girlfriend (usually being supportive in some way as needed), looking over her shoulder to make sure her mom was still there (because she hadn't given her a hug goodbye yet of course...) and then she could catch your eye, smile and wink, and you were the ONLY person she saw at that moment. I would pay A LOT of money to have that kind of talent. That is RARE. Albany has worked her butt off in this industry for well over 12 years or so now, to get where she is now on QVC and I am SO PROUD of her. All of us KNEW she would definitely make it big one day because SHE'S ALBANY. I'm beaming. She SO deserves it. She will drop anything for her family and friends, no matter what. She is the LEAST shallow person I've ever met. She is a true southern girl and as it says in her blog...she was raised by Scarlett and a USAF pilot, that is so true! Her mother is pristine...a gorgeous redhead and she is her daddy's little girl. So, hopefully my quick posting here will provide some insight. OH, and as far as SLEEPOVERS? Just for the record, I don't allow them either in my home. BECAUSE the precious time I DO have with my husband and daughters is ONLY for my husband and daughters, not all of the kids in the neighborhood. It IS alot of effort. And for the record, that doesn't make me a bad mother. I'm more than happy to allow them to sleepover at their friend's homes and I sent nice goodies with them too. I was surprised at how defensive I became when I read here a hint of someone attacking Albany's mothering skills. SHE is PHENOMENAL at mothering her children. Her children PROVE it. They are respectful and loving, compassionate, selfless human beings. Nothing proves better parenting. I sincerely don't know how she does it. Any other mother who works as hard as she does would stick their kids in front of a TV just to get some quiet time. Albany literally CRAVES being with her children. I've witnessed her make ridiculous schedule changes, last-minute flight arrangements, etc. simply because one of her children asked for her...missed her. She is THERE when it counts. I don't know ANY parent that is as present as Albany is in her children's lives.
ReplyDeleteFinally...please remember everyone, we've all had our own tough times in our lives...heartache and losing people close to us. Albany is no different. Sometimes we look at people on camera and don't think of them as people. So, to the woman who posted about the sleepovers? I'm sure Albany peruses the web just as I did tonight and I guarantee you NOTHING would hurt her more than seeing someone say something bad about her as a parent. You don't know her, so why don't YOU try to go be HALF the parent Albany Irvin is instead of sitting on your butt in front of your computer criticizing people you don't even know, while YOUR kids are probably staring at yet another kiddie video on the boob tube.
So, Kudos Albany (in case you read this). I got your back girl! (heehee) Much love and blessings, Bella
I have read all these posts about Albany from top to bottom. I have also witnessed her on QVC numerous times. She is a decent host, I recruit talent for a career for Commercial Campaigns. She has a very distinct voice and tone along with the red hair which separates her from the rests of the hosts.
ReplyDeleteThat being said; her cameo video was to say the least amateur & unprofessional. If she were submitting that to my company, I would have a rejection letter out the door so fast she wouldn't even have the time to read it fast enough. The reason being is because she said phrases like "boobs", and "constipation". I'm not saying you cannot have fun making a cameo video, but classiness should have been more prevalent for her sake. However, she still got the job and makes fairly large amount of money. QVC pays very well, they also have an amazing perk and benefit plan.
I'm not bashing Albany, but nor am I praising her. I have seen talent in much greater lengths on QVC besides her, David Venable, Mary Beth Roe, and Jacque Gonzales are all great examples of "cream of the crop" meets excellence. I would love to hire those three.
If this reaches you Albany, I wish you luck, your gonna need it.
Oh, Brother! Now I've heard it all! On a late night Denim & Company show last weekend Albany was hocking an inexpensive article of clothing when she exclaimed, "This is exciting. Not having heart palpitations like you're gonna meet Jesus, but exciting!" Sheesh! Now she's flippantly using the Son of God to sell rags on the Q? What next? Oh yeah, now she's promoting anti-friz hair products on a separate infomercial ~ no doubt filmed between "quality" moments with her family. But wait... She'll board a plane whenever her "3" (or as she's now claiming "4") kids need her. Seems Albany hatched a fourth child to ramp up her "busy mom" bio. After weeks of amazing viewers with self-absorbed stories of caffeine-induced "busy-ness," our own Super Mom confessed she'd hatched a foreign exchange student. Sorry, Albany! Inviting a older foreign student to help your nanny watch your kids doesn't count as a fourth child! I wonder if this "fourth kid" ever sees you coming IN or if she's only familiar with your backside hustling out the door for another mug shot!
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing it was Albany herself who posted on July 21st of last year. Thinly disguised as a "friend," this Best Buddy knows Albany inside and out but strangely forgot that she had landed the job on QVC? Sounds pretty fishy for a great friend. Then again, even "great friends" change. Perhaps being in front of a live audiance changed Albany in ways her "friend" wouldn't find so appealing.
ReplyDeleteOMFG her Zumba show was en fuego!!!
ReplyDeleteA hot & sexy MILF shakin' her luscious booty wearing a tight tank top w/ spandex.
When she began bumping & grinding seductively like a stripper I became so aroused I nearly lost it right in my shorts!!
Oooooh Albany, dance for daddy baby
Luv her skimpy skirts too, her sleek & slender gams are just gorgeous!!
What happened to Lisa Mason and Patti Reilly?
ReplyDeleteOoooh Miss Irvin please don't ever wear slacks
ReplyDeleteYour gams are too HOT to be under wraps
Sleek & slender, long & lean
The sexiest legs we've ever seen!
Skirt riding high up her luscious thighs
The fountain of youth gushes 10 feet high
Can't get enough of her gorgeous gams
Gives us something to do with our hands
All of those people bashing Albany should be ashamed. She seems like a very nice and caring person to me. If you can't say something good, keep your comments to yourselves.
ReplyDeleteOh and by the way the anonymous comment was not from Albany (paranoid people).
ReplyDeletei don't care too much for firecrotches, but since qvc sells so many shoddy products to stupid-ass old ladies with too much money to waste, who really gives a flying fuck anyhow? :) more power to all of you hosts who keep tricking these dinos so they have no money for food or medication!
ReplyDelete" to the woman who posted about the sleepovers? I'm sure Albany peruses the web just as I did tonight and I guarantee you NOTHING would hurt her more than seeing someone say something bad about her as a parent. You don't know her, so why don't YOU try to go be HALF the parent Albany Irvin is instead of sitting on your butt in front of your computer criticizing people you don't even know, while YOUR kids are probably staring at yet another kiddie video on the boob tube.
ReplyDeleteSo, Kudos Albany (in case you read this). I got your back girl! (heehee) Much love and blessings, Bella "
Oh please you both need to get off your high horse!
i enjoy watching A
ReplyDeletebany, she is quick witted and more natural than some of the hosts.
I can't stand Albany. She speaks waaaaay too fast and she, like Shawn Killinger, repeats the same phrases over and over again ("literally", "totally", etc.). Have you ever seen her present Zumba products? She clearly thinks she's hot stuff when she's dancing, but she has no rhythm. She looks like she's injured while she's dancing. I guess maybe the exec's at QVC think she looks like an average woman who would do Zumba, but her moves are just so awful that I can't watch. I actually wanted to buy a Zumba product, but I couldn't get through her presentation.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy watching Albany too. I have a lot of southern relatives and some of the phrases she uses she uses remind me of them. She make me laugh.
ReplyDeleteKeep being yourself Albany.
Yeah her phrases are really cute to me!!!! "And the haters gonna hate hate hate hatehate"
DeleteI agree with you, Anonymous. What's wrong with these folks? Of course I'm from Texas, too!
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to blow out Albany's candle to make yours burn brighter
ReplyDeleteIdk I think she grows on you!!! Still like her better than Shawn bet this job is a lot harder than it looks.love Albany cute accent like how she says blend she's cute to me.
ReplyDeleteI can NOT stomach this woman. The channel gets switched as soon as she comes on. She is such an annoying a hole.
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