Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Adrien Arpel Then and Now

1989                                                2009

Found this video of Adrien (back when she wasn't Adrienne) in a talk show called "Attitudes" back in 1989. She discusses marriage, makeup after 40, and plastic surgery. Even though she wasn't even selling her Signature Club A on HSN yet, the spiel is the same. You can read all about Queen Bea's odd love for Adrien here.

(Wow! Linda Dano's hair!)


  1. I love me some Adrien too. She has been a semi-idol of mine since the 80's. ROFL.

    If you look closely at her on the HSN set you will see a slight pull of her skin around her left temple. Could she be wearing an "Art Harding" instant face and neck lift? The skin looks white and pulled out from the tape holding the old girls face up. The lips are an entity all their own.

    All in all, I love the old girl and all of her selling antics. You have to admit she started from scratch and has made millions with her "idears".

    1. Yup!!! I love her, too! And some of her products are great!!! I LOVE her vanilla face cleansing cream: Vanilla Melt!!! YUM!!

  2. the 1989 pic of her looks like she's a busted contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. If she was 40 plus in that 1989 picture, you are crazy. She hasn't one wrinkle the only thing is the dark eyeliner coming down onto her skin but she didn't have a wrinkle one! Hell it was the 80's everyone wore tons of make-up and loads of Aqua Net Hair Spray Capital of the world. Hello it was a different decade!

  3. Another Adrien lover here. I don't use her skin care, but have purchased several pieces from her Real Collectibles line.

    Wasn't Attitudes great? Anyone remember the SNL spoof of the show? QC

  4. Count me as another Adrien fan - represent! Lol. Love her bronx honk, heavy handed way with makeup, the jewelry, her "girls" - she the greatest!

  5. Wow!

    I just dropped in to say 'Hi!", and it was like I was sucked up into HOT TUB TIME MACHINE.

    Yeah, Ms. Dano...that hair!

    This is all just tooooo eighties for me.

  6. Oh boy, that was a trip down memory lane! Fun!
    I used Adrien Arpel products from Macy's for many years. I was happy to see her on HSN. I have to say that for all those years I had beautiful skin. I found that as I aged to my mid- 50's, the products were not "anti-aging" enough for me, so I did change. I do still use her meltdown. That video was a hoot. Thanks for sharing QB.

  7. I love that girl, even with her Roseann Rosannadanna accent.

    It is a little odd though, your lips are supposed to shrink with age but not Adrien's. They're still full and pillow-like. In fact, even more pillow-like now at an advanced age. I must order her lip products pronto.(she must go through vats of gloss with all of the area she needs to cover)

  8. Okay for all the girl who are not aware - Ms. Arpel made millions in a time when your husband could tell your boss to fire you; husbands could beat you and the cops turned a blind eye; you could work for the Federal Gvmt and legally be paid less than a man for the SAME work; ANd she was Jewess in a time when even a Catholic MAN had a hard time in the public eye. Has Oprah had her on yet? If not -why not? This woman is an American business pioneer (with no ridiculous comb over!) and a great contributor to the history of American ingenuity, entrepreneurialism, and in her own way CIvil Rights. God Bless her!

    1. Thank you! There is always a hater in every conversation or just jealous!

    2. Thank you! There is always a hater in every conversation or just jealous!

  9. RIGHT ON, PEG!!! Could not have said it better myself!

  10. I had the good fortune to attend an Attitudes show. Linda Dano was and still is the epitome of class. Unfortunately the show itself was dull and Cindy Adams was the first segment with all her gossip. Linda signed as many autographs that were asked of her after the show and was a pleasant as anyone could be. I, myself, did not like Adrien Arpel cosmetics. They were heavy, greasy and not suited for my skin type. I've bought Sig. Club A makeup but am not overly impressed either.

  11. I know whatcha mean, Queen Bea. I'm watching Adrienne now on HSN-- she has another Today's Special. There's something compelling about her presentations.
    I can't get over how much older she looks at 48 than she does now. Great plastic surgeon. She's fortunate. So many celebrities look puffy and fake with the big lips & cheeks that seem to make their eyes look smaller.
    I remember years ago on HSN when she claimed her retinol capsules accounted for her looks then compared to an HSN magazine cover she had done a few years ago when that was "as good as it got" -- she would show that photo and you could see an obvious difference in her under-eye area. She obviously can't make that claim now.
    But anyway, I like many of her skin care products (not so much her makeup line). She is definitely an icon in the beauty industry.

  12. What I would like to know is when Adrienne is on HSN and she leaves the host to do a make-over, what is she doing while we have to listen to the host explain the items all over again? Is she prepping the model to look older or what? Also, if the skin care line works instantly as well as long-term, why do the models always look the same each and every time she uses them? No, Adrienne does not look the way she does from her make-up and skin care alone. We're not all that naive to believe that. She and Bobbie look more and more alike and neither are in their prime - good ole botox.

  13. I like Adrienne also, but I just wish she and all those people selling their wares would be more honest about their botox etc. use. It is ridiculous that they think we are that stupid to believe that they look like that from their products. ALL of them use totally different things as what they are trying to sell to YOU. Especially Adrienne... she has models on that are 20 years younger than she is (40s) she is in her 60s.... and these women have wrinkles and sagging skin and they supposedly use her products all the time - lol- If you are not really that dumb you would never buy this stuff because apparently it does not work. I find all of it funny really and very entertaining. Her products probably are very good but not THAT good to make you look 20 years younger. Good grief how dumb are some people!

  14. FYI to the anonymous person above---My grandmother was 109 years young and used her products that i would buy for her faithfully for the last 5 years of her beautiful life and had the most beautiful glowing skin. Sadly, she past away a few months ago and i miss her dearly--she was my pride and joy! But just so you know, i also use her products and work very well for me as well!

  15. Adrienne once made a statement that all she uses is her own make-up and products. She claims to have demonstrated that she uses the no transfer make-up while on HSN and had it on for hours that particular day. Well, today, she was selling her melt-down and showing photos of models removing make-up. She made a statement that they all wear heavy, TV make-up while on the air and her melt-down would take it off without difficulty. Well, which is it? Does she wear her own make-up on HSN or TV make-up? I still want to know why the host talks about the products a second time while Adrienne is already at the model to demonstrate her products. Are they prepping the model to appear older before she applies her miracle skin care? While some of it is supposed to be temporary and others have longer effects on perfecting skin, why do all of her models look as bad as they did months ago? I don't doubt that there are some benefits to skin care products but...............

  16. I don't wear makeup but I do watch HSN, and Adrienne A. is an age-defying warrior in the most American sense of the word. She's a construct of cosmetic consumption. She shamelessly hawks her dated heavy-handed application of skin maintenance concoctions with such aplomb, we have to love her. Her star doesn't fade in my eyes for not "confessing" her copious usage of facial-fillers and other pharmaceutical-grade age deterrents.
    I thought Linda Dano was the bomb, back-in-the-day; former model turned daytime soap actress. Does anyone use the "supah" Vitamin C tablets or the Argan oil line?

  17. I would also like to know if their is any scientific facts to back up her Argan oil claims...anyone know? Also, I'm am considering buying one of her vit. C kits, any feedback from a current user? Thanks!

    1. Hope this helps even though it's late.
      The argan oil skin care and makeup is oily. It leaves a slick shine on your face. Awful.
      The vitamin c caps work great. For me, the rest of the line was too heavy and sometimes irritating.
      Her caviar line pre 2003 was the bomb. I used the morning pearl day cream, caviar night cream, and eye creams. Then she changed it and it was awful.
      Her makeup is heavy and greasy BUT the correct/conceal creams are great. Use with a light touch.
      If your skin is good and has just a little oil, you'll find her stuff too heavy. Her powders are great, except for the bronzers, which are too dark and shimmery.
      Her hsn stuff has gone downhill badly since about 2004. She needs to go back to the products that worked well and couldn't stay in stock. I fought to get my caviar facial cleanser (forgot to mention was pale pink in a tube and cleansed but left your face moist) and creams.
      Hope this helps...and saves you money.

  18. When Adrien returned this time to HSN, it appeared that she had even more work done on her face (if that's at all possible). How anyone can believe that her products will produce such results is totally delusional. BUT, when she appeared with Bobbi Ray Carter, I couldn't watch, afraid that Bobbi's eyes would pop right out of her head. Between the two, I don't know who is using Botox more. Aren't they concerned about the effects this might have on them in time considering that it apparently must be used repeatedly to be effective? They may ver well use creams etc but come on folks, it doesn't end there. And, if Adrien's products are THAT good, why don't the models show that "long-term" improvement she always mentions? Go back to the local stores for products - they're much cheaper and probably have better results.

  19. I also watch Adrien on HSN - for entertainment only - lol - I honestly think it is hilarious how this woman claims that she uses her own products and that is why she looks that way - how stupid are these people believing that? And her models that are younger than her, look old, wrinkled and unhappy - they frown to look even older and then when she puts her stuff on their face they start smiling and turn the end of their mouths up, making wrinkles disappear -lol - I really hope that most people realize this and dont fall for all that sham that is put on. I admire her for her spunk and salesmanship, but buying her useless products would never be me. Being a realistic woman I know that product can enhance and plump up some, but if someone actually wants to look younger and wants a fallen face lifted THEY HAVE TO HAVE BOTOX OR FACELIFTS - so be real people and dont get scammed all the time.

    1. I agree with you. Kudos to her for making her millions, but when a 70+ year old woman comes on TV and looks like she's gone through the wind tunnel that's no magic lotions. That's just good old fashion PLASTIC SURGERY, CHIN IMPLANTS, CHEEK IMPLANTS, LIP IMPLANTS, AND WHAT EVER ELSE THEY COULD DO TO MAKE HER SKIN LOOK TIGHTER THAN THAT OF A SNAKE! I'll take my well earned wrinkles, crow's feet, etc instead of looking like and old fool.


  20. I think everyone assumes that she has had major work done, but I have to say that her skin products for older skin do make a big difference. I find that the Vitamin C capsules and night cream give just the right amount of moisture to older skin.

    1. Oh ya, she's had work done - and lots of it! She doesn't speak of her age anymore because she can't back up a claim that everyone else's skin will look as tight as hers by using her products. Sure, they will reduce your wrinkles a bit, but they won't make you look like you just got out of a wind tunnel. If she did that she could be/would be sued for false advertisement. Personally, I purchased one of her kits a few years ago and had to return it to HSN because the Vit C burned the hell out of my skin. But, if it works for others, god bless.

    2. OK, I thought it was 2004 I bought a vitamin c kit. Other than the capsules, which were great for my skin, I was irritated and burned by the other stuff. Maybe there were occasional bad batches.

  21. I just got a good "Miss Adrienne" fix this evening--I tell my husband that he just doesn't understand good comic entertainment when he refuses to watch her and indeed makes me retreat to another room to avoid his snorts of rude laughter.

    Tonight when she was using her 73-year-old model, Adrienne announced that she was "the only one who would use a 73-year-old model--why would they? There's nothing to show!"

    I've always enjoyed the fact that the "before" pictures show the models as if they were having mug shots taken for jail, but in the "after" ones, the facial colors are nice and pinked-up by the lighting and the hair is perfect.

    Too fun!

  22. Forgot to say that it was especially funny to listen to her remarks about her 73-year-old model when Adrienne herself, according to my calculations, must be 71. She used to announced constantly that "I am 67 YEARS OLD!" to emphasize how her products could make you look forty years younger. I notice she doesn't do that any more!

  23. As far as Adrien goes, one would have to be blind to the fact that she relies only on her line to keep young. She obviously has had a lot of work done especially the lips where it went to extremes. But, what is Bobbie Ray Carter doing? She looks more horrid than usualy and now is beginning to resemble Cher. What are these women doing to themselves? Bobbie's eyes are wider than ever and her hair has got to go. Her nose appears different also. I only hope that all of the work they have done to themselves allows them to age as gracefully as they had hoped and has not become an addiction (which it apparently has). Get real ladies (I mean REAL). You all look fake and the same. Don't you want your own identity? You're beginning to look like each other and some more like mannequins than people.

  24. Thanks for this info on Adrienne-knew that had to be it she looks too pulled back.

  25. What is happening to Adrienne and Bobbie Ray? Both appear to have undergone even more work on their faces (if that's possible). Has Bobbie had her nose done? Adrienne has got to stop enhancing her lips - looks awful and no folks, none of it is as a result of the products she sells. Why are these two going to such extremes? They have veered from reality big time. But to try and convince us that it's because of the gazillion products she sells is so far removed from the truth it's ridiculous. Adrienne may very well use some of the products she sells but not without having undergone some serious work on her face. All of the hosts and guests have become great actors over the years while peddling these goods and finding them all sooooo wonderful. Paleeze.

  26. I had great fun reading the comments - lol - I also watch Adrienne - for entertainment purposes only thats for sure - People that believe the BS that she is selling need their head examined. Everyone can see that she had work done and is continuously doing so. And I would also bet that she does not even use her own products. She probably uses Isomers - lol - come on Adrienne do you really think that all women are that dumb to believe that you look like that (and I actually thinks she is starting to look really stupid) by using the products that you hawk. Her products do not have enough anti aging ingredients to do anything for anyone. True anti aging products are not that cheap - they can't be - be real ladies - and just like someone else said - to get wrinklefree faces you absolutely need to use fillers and botox. Then good skincare to enhance the skin to keep it soft.
    Women would be better off to work from the inside out by taking proper supplements to keep their bodies and skin healthy from the inside out. Believing these women will only make you poor.

  27. I started with Adrienne's line from her salon in Garfinkle's Washington, D.C. in the '80's-and yes I remember Attitudes too. I actually watched it sometimes. Loved Linda Dano, but the hair doesn't translate to the 21st century, does it?! The '80's-I miss 'em!! I am 53 and someone just thought I was 30-is it genetics? Yes, sure. But good skin care sure helps.
    I have really enjoyed all the commments too-I didn't know so many girls loved Miss Adrienne too-even with her Jersey accent! And puleeze don't get me started on Bobbie Ray :-)...

  28. Just caught Adrienne yesterday on HSN after not seeing her for a while. OMG - she has blown up her lips so much that she was having trouble talking at times -- sounding not at all like what she used to. But I guess the lips go with the botox face mask that she is wearing these days. What a hoot to whatch, though. We need more comic relief!!!

  29. Adrienne is the most interesting person on television. I am forever amazed at her intelligence, her creativity and her energy. I'm a guy and I use her products! I am 71 and everyone guesses me at around 50. Or younger. Her stuff works! It is also reasonably priced and she gives big portions. She is forever coming up with intriguing new products. She should win an Emmy!

  30. I love Adrien
    I use to have facials with her in Bloomingdales way back when
    I'm 59 and weather her products do work or not, her make overs are really inspirational.
    With or without surgery most women would love to have her looks at 70
    Her products are great and I have learned from her to take care of my skin beyond soap and water.
    She' s the first one I've ever heard Arga, colloidal gold and Vit C
    Greetings and Blessings to Arpel
    I call her the Gurusa of makeovers
    SB NYC

  31. I don't know what it is about Adrienne, but whenever she's on HSN, I am completely hypnotized by her.

    I love the way she sweeps her bangs out of her face and leans in towards the camera when she's getting serious about educating you on the finer points of argon oil or hyaluronic acid.

  32. Love all of the comments. I am watching Adrienne right now and I concur - she is an amazing woman, yes, a true salesperson, but also a makeup and skin care artiste extraordinaire. I had facials and makeovers in her salons at Saks Fifth Avenue many years ago. I am 55 now but often people think I am in my 40s. I believe it was my early interest in exceptional skin care that I am often mistaken for 10 years younger. Thanks to Adrienne for inspiring me, and continuing to inspire women of all ages to look their best.

  33. I'm watching Adrienne right now. Wow, what a argan oil salesman. I have purchased her products & have sent them back. Mineral oil, not argan is the main ingredient in her argan line. If her products work, why aren't her after models still looking like after not before? She uses the same models every show & they always look "old". Then she applies her magic & they are instantly transformed. Why don't they stay transformed? Now she's hawking a "lifting" product to use before your wrinkle product. What bs.

  34. Watching Adrian now, laughing but admiring her energy. But being from NY myself, I just don't get the comments about her accent. lol. My husband and I refer to BobbiRay as "the skank". Not nice, but NYers will understand. Can't believe AA is 71. I thought she's been around for 110 years!


  35. After 20 or more years, why is she still wearing the same hair style. Personally I'm sick of it. Get a new look Adrian.

    1. She's wearing that hair style because it hides the plastic surgery scars at her temples, ears and forehead.

  36. AA looks as though she has had even more work done to herself. Her lips are going to blow up if she's not careful. But, Bobbi Ray Carter looks awful. She's beginning to look like a member of the Jackson family having had something done to her nose. Her mouth moves oddly when she speaks. What is the matter with these women. How can they abuse themselves in a way that is hardly complementary. Age gracefully and for heaven's sake stop trying to convince us that AA cosmetics are the cause of their "youthful" appearance. Ladies, please, save your money it's all a scam. Glad you caught on to the lighting and facial poses before and after but what I want to know is what AA is doing with the "models" while the camera goes back to the host when we should be watching the makeover? Obviously prepping the models but with what since there is a miraculous improvement from the products. It's all a sales pitch, snake oil and we fall for it draining out wallets but making AA and the rest of the filthy rich.

  37. I have been reading everyone's comments and I have to say I find them all amusing!! Of course Adrien has had plastic surgery, etc...she LOOKS plastic!! lol...I am watching her on HSN now...she's can't help but be drawn in to her presentation! Anyone who thinks a lady pushing 80 looks like she does because of a beauty product...seriously needs help! I don't want to look like she does when I'm in my 70''s just creepy looking! The model she uses who is in her 70's STILL looks the same after all these years...The older women/hosts on these shopping channels are botox'd to the can spot them a mile away! If the face looks smooth and it don't move...there's a reason for it! Can u imagine how weird these women look naked? Their faces all starched and perfect..then they take off their Spanx! Uggh! Massive wrinkles! lol...You're welcome for the visual... ;)

    1. Not gonna sleep tonight because of that. ;)

    2. The truth is scary, isn't it ?!?!

  38. Oh I forgot to say...Adriene is laughing all the way to the bank!! BTW...

  39. I've been buying Adrienne's products ever since she started on HSN and I like them, but I guess I have a different 'outlook' about them when I buy them. I don't buy something thinking it's "going to make me younger"....NO cream can do that...I don't care if you spend $500 a jar for it!! My gripe with aging is it's 'feel'.....I don't like the dry, tight feeling of aging on my face. I don't mind aging....after all, THAT'S the plan...I just don't like the feeling of my skin as all the good stuff my skin once made on it's own is depleted. I have been suckered in to buying creams tripled the price of Adrienne's and they don't work any better than hers does....therefore, I'm quite happy with her Five Essentials cream and her Argan oil capsules. I've not bought argan from a department store, but I have bought Josie Maran's from QVC and I much, much, much prefer Adrienne's! Years ago I figured as Adrienne aged, she'd have her daughter take over for her on HSN being in front of a TV camera, but she hasn't and I have to tip my hat to the old gal for that!!! Does her stuff make me look then years, and I don't expect it to....but it does make my 60 year old skin feel as good as those ridiculously high priced and fancy schmancy jar creams.

  40. People! Really! If you believe Adrienne Arpel looks GOOD then you deserve to look like her! UGH! She is gross, disgusting and frankly creepy-scary! At any age.

    Who in their right mind would want to look like that horror show???? Are you the same people that believe that Christie Brinkley looks like she does at 60-something because of healthy eating and exercise??? OH come one! I was a magazine photo editor and I can tell you, these women are full of shit but also full of Botox, fillers, and use lasers, light therapy, micro peels and microdermabrasion. ALL of these people are "having work done" But they will tell you they don't because in their minds they have convinced themselves that only SURGERY is having work done. Be Real women of America! Tell us the truth! No cream does ANYTHING! Jeeze!

    1. I don't care how she does it...I think she looks great for her age.
      Id like to see what you look like..
      She at least is trying to do her best to look her best....even if that doesn't meet your standards of beauty.
      Not everyone can afford to do the things that very wealthy people have at their disposal.
      Aging is inevitible but it can be done gracefully. Creams are not scalples but they certainly can help.

  41. Watching her is a little bit heart breaking.SHE is the REASON I started to be more careful about my skin when I was in my 30's..not because of HOW she looked but because her products really were phenomenol..she was ahead of her time.I see NO reason for her current odd look.I suspect that at 70 she would STILL be a beautiful example of a woman who took care of her skin.I'm 64 now and I am real satisfied to simply NOT make children cry when they see me.Most people don't guess my age as anything close to 64 but that isn't my goal.My gram was lovely even at 92 and that's what I'm hoping for..a REAL look.

  42. What happened to Adrienne's daughter?

  43. I like Adrienne. She is such an entertainment to watch on HSN. I have some of her creams and make up. Some I like some not. But she was the first one to talk about argan oil,gold and vit C in creams. So you should give her credit for that. Her jewelry line is interesting too. I enjoy some of them too. And she looks great for her age plastic surgery or not...doesn't bother me. We live in 21century. Looking better is not a crime if this not becoming obsession. Everybody should educate on good facial care and do the best what they can do.

  44. Is her make-up sold in department stores or only on hsn

    1. The cheap stuff at HSN. The good, pricier stuff, online at her website.

    2. And the difference is night and day.

    3. Just look at the ingredients in the HSN stuff vs. the good stuff she sells on her website.
      Want good skin care that really does work? Try Suzanne Somers' stuff. The firming peptides stuff is awesome.

  45. Why does her "accidental model" also appear in the "derma wand" infomercial claiming that's all she uses. But on adrians show claims all he uses is the argon oil products.

  46. hope her argan line is what she claims it to be. otherwise sending back. something must be right, HSN still has her on. Guess i should have read all these reviews before ordering Argan Package

    1. The argan oil stuff is greasy. And mineral oil is the oil, not argan. But argan is greasy too....not meant for the face.

  47. I think they should have to divulge their cosmetic surgery when they sell cosmetics....its fall advertising!!!!

  48. Why criticize her cosmetic surgery?? You will wish you could do it as you approach late 60's!! Adrienne looks and IS AWESOME!! Her banter & wit is never boring, schmucks....
    Haters, you should all be so lucky. Linda Dano, you looked marvelous!


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