I heard a while back that Meredith Borowski of the Treasures D'Italia collection was planning on leaving ShopNBC, but I wasn't sure if she'd turn up on another network--especially considering the astronomical price of gold lately. QVC has already started "enhancing" their gold pieces with silicone injections for goodness sakes!
Meredith is following in the path of Offerings--now Sajen Silver--and setting up shop at HSN.
Here's a quote from Shivan Sharna's HSN blog:
"I want to introduce you to a very special guest who we are so proud to have at HSN: Meredith Borowski! She brings her Treasures D’Italia Line of gold. You may know her from her many years on TV with her gorgeous jewelry. She is one of the superstars who will be part of our special event at the end of March called Passport to Fine Jewelry. Here we are together modeling some of her creations. OMG we are so alike! I am happy they are putting us on air together, but I have already been warned by my best friend that Meredith and I will need to slow down and breathe during the show. We both tend to speak quickly when we are excited. And I am very excited about Meredith coming to HSN. Her new treasures are going to be wonderful additions to your collections. So if you don’t know her yet, I’m sure you will love her. She is a busy mom, learned the gold trade from her dad and travels to Italy 4 times a year to work with her designers. Love it! Love her!"
I have to take issue with that "busy mom" description. We all know that Jill Bauer is the official home shopping "busy mom." Besides, busy moms do not go to Italy four times a year! Whatever! She's gonna have to find herself another shtick because that one is taken.
Meredith isn't completely gone from ShopNBC yet. There's still has some jewelry listed on clearance if you're interested.
what happen with susanne?