Friday, October 31, 2008


What the hell has HSN been smokin'??? Who can wear this? These DG2 Luxe Animal Print Boot-Cut Jeans are the Today's Special, which means that they will be selling these jeans all day! All I can figure is that maybe this is supposed to be some sort of pimp daddy Halloween costume or something.

Let's take a look at the rear end view, shall we ...

Zebra rump ... yummy!

Diane Gilman and Patricia Field totally need to hook up. Did you see her super sophisticated Peg Bundy dress that she also sold as a Today's Special? You must check it out!


  1. Remember who designed these, a late middle aged woman who self-triumphs at being an ex groupie. She made these for her and her ilk, not for the rest of us who didn't chase tour buses non-stop in our youth.

  2. Where are they chasing these tour buses? On the plains of Arrica???

  3. Well. the real pity is that she represents herself as an advocate for baby boomers, but her jeans are the worst fitting, poorest quality I have ever experienced. The notions she uses are the cheapest, and HSN does not care if after a few washings,the fabric is all stretched out or the zipper chronically fails. Do not buy her crappy jeans.


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