Mike George, QVC President and CEO, (and reigning QVC King) finally addressed Tova-gate in the most recent online chat. Apparently he has heard our cries of Tova foul play and swears that the fragrance has been fixed.
In a nutshell, last year the formula was changed. No one thought the changes would affect the fragrance. It did. Customers felt hoodwinked and Tova-gate was born.
QVC went back to the original formulation and tried to make amends with the Tova loyalists by sending out a free bottle of the new stuff (with the old formula).
However, not all the Tova customers were convinced that the scent was the same as the original. So,Tova-gate continues. Is the scent really different or is this simply a case of too little, too late???
BTW, just for funsies, check out Tova on The Soup’s Tales from Home Shopping here.
From the June 13th online chat transcript:
Vicki: Can you address what has happened with the Tova Signature fragrance. Many, many customers feel it is a different product than the original and are very vocal about wanting a chance to purchase the product they loved for years.

We believe this affected her signature product starting around May 2007. We believe we completely corrected the formulation in fall 2007, and at that time notified all the affected customers that they could get a new version of the corrected product on our nickel. Since then, we have continued to receive complaints from customers who feel that the product is not back to its original standard.
We continue to monitor the Tova threads, as we do all threads. There is talk on the forums of a Tova-gate, and underhanded attempts on our part to trick our customers. All I can do is tell you the truth, which is we believe that we have been able to restore the formulation to its original version. This was never done in an attempt to lower the cost. In fact, the cost to make the product has not decreased at all.
We are at somewhat of a loss to understand why some customers feel it has changed. I believe they are totally sincere in their beliefs; we just cant find anything to indicate the product is not back to its original standard, In fact, the majority of customers are satisfied with it. I have had several discussions with Tova over the last year, and I can report to you how upset and disappointed she has been because she loves her customers and is so proud of her 25 year history with this fragrance. So please continue to give us information if you feel the product has changed. We will continue to monitor the situation. But again, all I can tell you is that we are totally committed to the original Tova fragrance and to the best abilities of Tova and the manufacturer, we believe the current fragrance is the same as the original formulation.
The TOVA Signature Fragrance has absolutely NOT been restored to the original -- far from it! I wore this fragrance for years and absolutley loved it -- got compliments almost daily. I received a new bottle from QVC just this week and am sending it back -- it's terrible! I can buy something that smells nicer and lasts much longer at the local dime store! Regardless of what QVC spokespersons might say, this formula is obviously cheaped down to the point of being worthless. Please bring back the true original! It was fabulous and will be greatly missed. Until that happens, I'll be buying Tiffany or Back to Pink at the mall -- fragrances with some similar notes to the original TOVA but not as nice overall -- this is quite the disappointment from QVC.
ReplyDeleteThis is how QVC shoots themselves in the foot. Customers want a good deal on a quality product, not a cheaper price on a cheap imitation! Anytime I hear it was made exlusively for QVC, I run the other way. Sorry about your Tova and thank you for speakin up. :-)
ReplyDeleteI think it should be called Tova KOOL AID instead of TovaGate! Hundreds of women would quiet down if they would only get it back to it's original scent.
ReplyDeleteRead some perfume books folks..you change ONE molecule..just one.. and you lost it.. It's hard to recover...If it was so easy to do? why did it take so long? Because they haven't gotten it right yet.
Keep trying Q... you MAY possibly get Tova's loyal followers back. If you make the longevity last long enough to give an honest opinion...that would help!
I have a bottle that I keep in the freezer( Yes.. in spite of what perfume houses say...mine last)!...it's fresh as the day I got it..I recommend that any original Tova holders do this. And beware of Ebay sellers selling this.. you don't know the conditions it was kept under..
My favorite is the BMS and this has also changed. QVC has lost many $ I'M sure over this change I have cancelled my orders because I'm not looking to pay the return Shipping charges. Look at the formula again in PLEASE bring back the original! I thought Q was for quality. This change say's it's not so! Pass this along to Tova. Since she should be aware of what the original smelt like.
ReplyDeleteI can not find words to tell you how much I have loved Tova Nights. I have recently bought the elixer and spray and have to say the smell absolutely does not last at all. The only way my husband can smell it is if he's right up against me. Will this problem with the Tova's fragrances ever get resolved or should we all just give up?
ReplyDeleteI am very disappointed to hear about the change in the formula for Tova's Signature Perfume..I'm down to my last bottle (original scent and bottle)and was ready to rerder; but after reading the reviews about the changes that made; I have changed my mind to reorder....one can never figure out WHY changes should be made in-the-first-place to a product that is unique...yes Tova was very unique....most people don't like change but the bosses don't get it.....I hope in the very near future Tova's Original Signature Perfume will be back at QVC in the Original bottle....you know the customer is always right....very disappointed customer
ReplyDeleteI ordered Tova On March 14, 2009. When I received my package, opened it up and found out that it was not the Tova scent, I sent everything back. I still have an old container of cream that is the original scent. What has happened.
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong but Mike George (CEO of QVC) said that the manufacturer made a change, I don't believe for one second that a manufacturer would change the formula of a product without being told to by the owner. That would end in a law suite. Also, why did Mike say "we believe the current fragrance is the same as the original formulation." Don't believe it, guarantee it! If you can't guarantee it, then it must not be the orginal formula, that I'm sure is patented.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with the comments that Tova Signature has been degraded. I have purchased it since it first came out and it has been my only fragrance. I recently stopped my Auto-Dely and returned two bottles for which I requested a full refund (including shipping). I credit QVC for honoring my request but I believe that says legions...that QVC is very aware the fragrance has changed and that they have innumerable unhappy Tova devotees and will lose those clients and sales. When Mr. George states that many are happy with the fragrance, I believe these are new clients who never had the pleasure of experienceing the "original" fragrance. So sorry and shame on you, QVC!!!!
ReplyDeleteTova has been my signature scent since before QVC started carrying it, and like everyone here, I've been appalled at what's happened to it. When you've worn a perfume for 25 or so years, and your niece (who has known this scent from the time she was born) hugs you and says "Aunt C, you're not wearing Tova anymore? You don't smell like YOU..." well, that's just heartbreaking to me. This year when I took my sweaters out of storage for the winter, I could smell the "old" Tova and it was just not like the "new" Tova. I'm heartbroken about it. Shame on QVC for lying to us. I would have paid double for the original Tova.
ReplyDeleteI have been wearing Tova since 1983 and have loved it more than any fragrance I have ever tried. Tova brought me to QVC. When I received it in the new bottle, I thought it seemed a bit different, but thought maybe I was just imagining it until I read all the reviews on QVC and here. This is really heartbreaking and the claim that the changes were not made to save $ is laughable! QVC and Tova have made a huge mistake in trying to hoodwink their loyal customers.
ReplyDeletetova signature perfume is not the same-have had many compliments on old formula,but new stinks
ReplyDeleteI want the old formula back
ReplyDeleteLike everyone else, Tova Signature was MY signature scent. I never tried anything else in the many, many years I've worn the original...way back when. I, too, was on Auto delivery at the Q for years. Not too long ago, I purchased 3 bottles of the signature Reserve that claimed to be the original scent. I paid very big bucks for this Reserve. I tried it several times, thinking maybe some days my own body made my perfume smell differently. When I was absolutely certain it was the perfume, I returned all 3 bottles of the Reserve and removed my name fom the auto delivery. I am so disappointed with the horrible changes that QVC has made to this once glorious scent. I want it changed back immediately.
ReplyDeleteLadies - GET OVAH IT!
ReplyDeleteAnyone under 50 years old thinks Tova's perfumes smell like a musty old woman. Why would you want to smell like that?
well of course they do, their getting something that smells like bug spray. the old stuff is long gone..........
DeleteAbout Tova...I am desperate for her Cactine Emmolient, and find it's no longer being made. A product that good, 5 star ratings across the board... This product, this cactine emmolient by Tova Borgnine, has eased my sun damaged skin as nothing else, even from the dermatologist. I am 77 years young, and am so tired of products being discontinued. Can you help? Thanks... Yvonne...immom4u4@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteTova is history and it's about time! She's a scary woman, insincere thief that lied on national tv to her loyal customers. Seeing her name makes me want to vomit!
ReplyDeletePlease, somebody let me know if the Tova pink striped bottle 3.3 oz is the old or the awful new formula, please, please.
I also am very disappointed about Tova have been buying it for years,my sister, cousin, friend I had everyone hooked on it. I will not be buying until they get the scent right. I have been using an oil you get on line it is China Musk and it smells similar people ask me what I am wearing all the time. It also is alot cheaper. I hope Tova does bring back the original scent but until then, I am saving money. Thanks, Lee Lou
ReplyDeleteI used to get compliments every time I wore this scent. Now, nothing! I'll keep checking back on QVC, and when the comments say the original is back, I'll order - but not until then!
ReplyDeleteI've never received more comments on my perfume than when wearing the OLD formula. Why oh why do companies do this? The new stuff is terrible. My 8 year old son can tell the difference!
ReplyDeleteI recently purchased Tova Signature (original) on Ebay. When I received it, it is the Tova scent that I was familiar with and I was thrilled. Before that, I purchased two signature bottles at different times and the balm from QVC....all smelled like insectiside. It is NOT the original scent and they are not fooling any one. I want to know when the original scent is coming back. And, I called QVC customer service to complain and get some answers, they said they would call me back....2 mos. and no call back. This STINKS!
ReplyDeleteTypical QVC. Penny wise and pound foolish. Mike is fiddling while Rome burns. Ask yourself if you would want to work for him. Where will he go after he's finished running QVC into the ground? Tova is probably unable to do anything about the changes QVC made to her original scent so she is stuck selling aa sub-standard product. So sad.
ReplyDeletePlease get the original scent back. So many people are disappointed and we are all willing to pay the price to have back what we so love. Don't ruin what we all love and want back. Do what is right and fix what you made wrong!!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree - it is NOT the same and I am sending two bottle purchased back when I was told by your customer service rep that it was what I always ordered. I have been wearing this for years and many people that I know are also disappointed. What happened???
ReplyDeleteI loved the old TOVA scent. Please bring it back!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Tova, and now I am afraid to order it. I need to get some more. Is anywhere selling the real Tova perfume, exactly like the original?
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of bums at QVC and Tova, lining your pockets by lying to your loyal customers.
ReplyDeleteUsed to place orders with QVC at least once a month until you delivered the bottle of the new tova garbage you say is the the same formula. I am done for good with QVC, and if the original scent comes back, I will buy it someplace else.
QVC Corporate has Temporarily Shut Down my account because they agreed to pay me for a colors of gold FAULTY!, bracelet. I told INEZ at Corporate to pull item, instead they just sold it to consumers during GIFTS OF GOLD! INEZ told me it would take them 2 months to look at my account! Weeks no Answer, and not my fault. What happened To QVC? Happy X-Mas2me!
ReplyDeleteHey, Their is no Corporate line at QVC just alot of lies and excuses. QVC can keep their used items Horrible treatment during the holidays! No wonder everyone is jumping ship! They should not sell items that have horrible feedback, much less in a Gifts show! QVC has reached a new low!
ReplyDeleteI have been wearing TOVA since 1997 and will say the "original" formula QVC claims they went back to, is not the original TOVA. Tova does not own the company anymore, QVC bought it so you know they want to save money and try a cheaper "TOVA" but too many of us know the real scent. I was in college when I started wearing TOVA and guys loved the scent! Too bad we have lost a wonderful scent.
ReplyDeleteI too can't believe how bad the Tova smells. I have been paying a fortune for the original scent on the internet. I don't understand "why fix something that is not broken"? We as consumers and loyal customers of Tova are disappointed in what you have done to the perfume. We have used it for 0ver 20 years and know the scent. The new one smells like bug spray. The musk is missing or a cheaper type was used. Bring back the real original Tova Scent. She is losing many many faithful customers and will continue to do so until this is fixed. It is not fixed as of yet. I bought a bottle and sent it back. People are not stupid, you can tell that there were major changes to this scent. It used to be oily, it is not anymore, it lasted, it does not anymore, it smelled wonderful, now it smells horrible. Please listen to the people. I am surprised Tova did not fix this Immediately.
ReplyDeleteEveryone who used the original Tova perfume for years know that what QVC is selling now is not the original Tova perfume. Obviously QVC has not stayed true to the original formula. QVC has made money on those woman they duped by purchasing what they thought was the original scent. I am not a chemist, but it all comes down to the formula which is missing a key ingredient which I belive it musk. By doing so, QVC is saving money and then trying to pass off the Tova Perfume they are selling now as the original scent. Did they really think that woman all over the world would not know that it was not the original scent? Give us more credit QVC as woman, and loyal fans of the Original Tova.
ReplyDeleteDo U think Tova would allow this to happen???
ReplyDeleteDid she do a presentation???
I think Avon did the same with Mesmerize.
Used to be my fav...will not buy now...not
the same!
Go to FragranceX.com & get the REAL stuff for
$$$$ less..Free shipping if U purchase a certain amt...easy to do...quick shipping.I do
not work for them,just LUV to share bargain info...LUV this site.
ReplyDeleteI purchased from FragranceX.com. Don't waste your money, not the original scent just original bottle and box. Bought from a couple of places online but no luck, I think it is a lost cause. I loved the original and have used for almost 10 years. Any suggestions on a similar scent would be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was going crazy. I ordered what I thought was the Tova that I have used for years. But not the same, people would hug me just to smell the perfume, why did they change
ReplyDeleteit. I what to order again but not the smell
of the new one. Will the orginal come back.
Please let us know.
I have been searching for a replacement for my original Tova Signature for a few years now, but to no avail. Nothing can replace the soft fragrance. No other fragrance elicits the compliments I used to receive when I wore TOVA. Until the original returns, I will continue my search. Tova, how could you abandon your most loyal customers? I honestly feel like I've lost my personal "signature". Please bring back my TOVA!
ReplyDeleteI used to get compliments almost every day on the original version of TOVA, like someone else said, it's like loosing your personal signature. I have bought the new version, DOES NOT smell the same and I have not received a compliment since! BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL TOVA!
ReplyDeleteWhy would any company change something that was so perfect and so successful? And the bigger question......why won't this company listen to it's loyal customers, women who know this product so well and have worn it since it's inception? I am (was) one of those women. And I am completely puzzled as to why QVC has ignored so many negative comments about the product and so many requests for a return to the orginal product? QVC has given excuse after excuse for the difference in the product, and has then gone on to say there is no difference. Fool me once, QVC, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I agree.....penny-wise, pound foolish, QVC.
ReplyDeleteI have worn Tova Signature so long I no longer feel comfortable in anything else. I still can't find anything I want to wear everyday. People around me who commented daily, now notice the scent is gone sigh :(. QVC had the moneymaker for sure and by getting greedy they lost it.
ReplyDeleteYou can't buy any of her skin cream line; emoillient, beauty bar etc. Now they changed the fragrance? That's just odd since they were selling a LOT of her line. I would say she either sold out or else found herself in the middle of a law suit. Now she is trying to recoupe by trying to recreate the line. I see she still has money for a face lift though.
ReplyDeleteThis is all a bunch of bull. Someone thinks consumers are stupid. As soon as the line left Tova's hands you can tell cheap ingredients were used. I have used this scent for 15 years and I am disgusted at how her products were treated. All I can say is that QVC will lose a lot of customers because of this. Common sense tells us that if they bring back the original formula, people are willing to pay extra . Hint Hint QVC, you can make money here. Never tamper with something that is perfection.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone found a perfume that even comes close to the smell of Tova??
ReplyDeleteWow what can I possibly say that you all will listen. Tova come on it's your turn to listen to us. Ever since you changed that frosty bottle to this awful clear one, you took our scent with it. Can you not hear the plee in our words? I can not seem to wear anything else that makes me feel as good as I did with your original frosty bottle of tova signature. I am begging for it to come back and that you will listen to us. I could not wait for you to come on qvc, I was hooked on your scent. Your a very lovely lady, please do right for us.
ReplyDeleteOver the years I have used Tova, the original, in many forms, sprays in large bottles, small bottles, roll on, butter, body lotion, shower gel and the fragrance lasted all day. So don't feed me the BS about the frosted bottle crap. When I washed my clothes I could still smell that wonderful scent out of the washer and the dryer. The latest (and absolutely LAST) bottle I purchased hoping to cling to my cherished fragrance I was sooo disappointed. The smell does not last through lunchtime much less all day. I used to have co-workers, friends and even strangers while shopping ask what I was wearing or compliment the lovely fragrance. That always made me feel great. Now, sadly it is gone apparently forever. I guess what shocks me the most is two fold; 1) I've always admired Tova as a very very classy lady and cannot imagine she is part and parcel to this farce and 2) that QVC standards have hit rock bottom. And unfortunately, the latter pertains to many other QVC products (ie diamonique which has tripled in price and the quality is non-existant. Guess it's all about the money. Well, they won't be getting any more of mine. Like that will bother them! lol Thanks for letting me vent.
ReplyDeleteQVC - please respond to rumor that the Platinum Tova Signature is still using cheap synthetics to lower cost and NOT the ORIGINAL original. You can't call it ORIGINAL if you make ANY SUBSTITUTION in the formulation. It's like the difference between instant coffee and grinding your own beans and fresh brewing your own coffee. Yes, they both might be the same flavor of coffee, but can anyone tell the difference??? DUH!! Corporate execs who are trying to increase profits by using cheap synthetic substitutes have cut their noses off to spite their faces because sales are way, way down and pretty soon there won't be any Tova at all because there won't be any customers. If the original ingredients cost more, then increase the price of the perfume. People are paying over $200 a bottle for the old stuff on Ebay. Woman are willing to pay a price comparable to what other high end perfumes cost, BUT only for a high quality product and NOT the CHEAP SYNTHETIC SUBSTITUTE you are trying to pawn off on us as the original. Like trying to tell us instant coffee is fresh brewed - we know the difference.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the many that have used the Signature fragrance for years...since the late 80's. I've noticed the change in the scent for quite some time and I'm extremely unhappy about it. Like others, I've always had perfect strangers asking about it. I've had nurses following me around in the hospital because they loved the scent. I've had tellers at the drive-up windows of banks comment. People at the drive-up at Dunkin Donuts comment on it. People at work used to know when I was back from vacation, because the office smelled so good! MEN following me around in the store...I thought they were checking to see if I were shoplifting or not!! Finally after confronting them they said I just smelled so good, they couldn't resist! My pharmacist...who I've since been told, makes a point of doing my scripts when he sees that I have any, and he personally cashes me out. I went in one time unexpectedly and was told he was not going to be happy he missed me! Taken back, she said, "he totally loves that scent you wear, and says if he wasn't happily married he'd follow you to the ends of the earth!" Well, I surely don't get that anymore!!! I did make a nice friend though! I had a gentleman from the car rental office CALL me when I returned the car, to ask what the scent was. He said they all took turns opening the doors just to smell it! I think it must have been open season and I got all the weird guys! LOL But right now, I'd gladly take all those weird ones, just to have the original back!! My own brother used to embrace me and bury his nose in my neck and always would say I smelled so delicious! It's been a very long time since he's done or said that!! There was a time that not one single day, and that's the truth, that someone wasn't commenting on the wonderful fragrance. I continue to buy the product...I don't even know what all else to wear! My brother-in-law (who has loved Tova Signature for years and has even purchased it for me as a gift)says it's not the same. He wears Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue and I all but swoon over that stuff. (question: Is there anything that smells better on a man than that cologne? Zip, Zero, Nada....IMO) I paid $60 for 1.7 ounces for the women and couldn't stand it! I threw it out. It didn't smell anything like the men's. So I'm back to square one. None of it, not even that Platinum, smells anything like the the Tova original. I can't even begin to say how deeply disappointed I am over this.
ReplyDeleteAnd just as an aside...the emollient, a 5 star product, with consistent high ratings, can no longer be purchased!! It has been discontinued! That product is fabulous. I've used it on burns, without leaving scars, my son and his daughter use it on an occasional cold sores...they all but clear up overnight. I cannot understand why Tova sold out to QVC in the first place. NO ONE is going to cherish and take pride in your products, or your business, like you would for yourself. She made a huge mistake, and we're all paying for it now!
Missing my Tova Signature Fragrance so much. I have used this fragrance for so many years, and ALWAYS received so many compliments. QVC stock is embarrassing low on all of TOVAs items. I really believed they would always at least sell Tova's Original Signature Fragrance. I am o sad I didn't stock up more when I had the chance. I miss that frosted bottle with the black cap, wouldn't it be wonderful if they brought it back? Please Tova and QVC there is a market that would support this and you can make it happen. I am begging......
ReplyDeleteI have been wearing TOVA signature for over 10 yrs, and I too am running out of the original. I stocked up the last time she was on QVC and it was only available in the signature platinum small bottles. I bought turquoise fragrance which smells nice, and TOVA nights.
ReplyDeleteSomeone asked earlier if the pink striped bottle is the original, yes it is. I have a few sprays and that one will be gone.
PLEASE BRING BACK THE ORIGNINAL TOVA SENT TO QVC!!! we all miss is sooooo much!!!
WHAT KIND OF NUTTINESS is it for QVC to buy the very successful Tova line and then CHANGE IT?
ReplyDeleteI don't blame Tova: she was always about essential oils etc. and excellence. SOOO SAD.
What a travesty! I just used the last of my signature collection. I ordered a huge batch some years back...and I just recently used my last tube of the roll-on eau de parfum. I just went on qvc's site to order another batch and couldn't believe the reviews. Why on earth would anyone mess with perfection??? UGH!
ReplyDeleteI am searching everywhere for the original tova as I have been in withdraw for some time now. I found this scent over ten years ago. A friend of my moms always smelled so wonderful and she would never tell anyone what she wore...so one day while at her house I was forced to peek in her room to find out and I've ran home to search the net for something called tova. I ordered my first bottle that day from qvc and have been ever since...well...until the last bottle that I ordered gagged me. I actually saw that customers were placing bad reviews years ago but I still had two bottles and wasn't concerned but now I've been out for almost a year and here I am still searching. I wasted money on the signature once already and won't do that again. Someone please tell me what perfume you use now that there is no tova!? I miss the smell on my pillow...the comments I would get from strangers...and most of all my family misses it.
ReplyDeleteWe recently came across a bottle of Tova Signature Reserve which was an unwanted present to my wife's aunt quite some time ago (she's a Chanel Lady). She had kept it in a drawer, boxed, since she was given it. She thought my wife might use it, but having checked it out on the internet, we realised there may be someone out there who would appreciate it more. We have therefore put it for sale on E-bay and the auction finishes on 18.02.12.
DeleteThis whole Tova-gate thing is so sad...my only grandchild said the dearest thing to me 15 years ago, when she was 4 years old, "Grandmom, when I grow up I want to smell just like you." I had been wearing TOVA signature for 10 years already; therefore, I will wait for QVC to come to their senses or until the real formula is reinstated. After 25 years, I KNOW WHAT'S ORIGINAL AND TRUE!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat in the world could have happened here? Years of wearing the most delightful scent. I used to order it from California, until qvc took over. I just cannot believe it. I have tried and tried and they all smell awful. Like gasoline. My grandaughters who are eight and grew up with this scent do not understand why I dont smell good anymore. I have found nothing that even comes close to what Tova had. What happened? Did she sell out and they changed it? Why oh Why oh Why? Elly
ReplyDeleteyes it is sad..so very sad. I am NOT a fan of QVC any longer and have gone to HSN...shame on QVC
ReplyDeleteMike George you need to do some house cleaning with your non professional host and do it soon.
Is there any hope of getting the original Tova fragances back? Avon has done the same thing -discontinue fragances
ReplyDeletePLEASE BRING BACK TOVA.. When my mom had Breast cancer when she was 43, she aged, a lot, she bought some Tova Cactine Masque, used it, (got me hooked on it too)and that masque erased all of the chemo damage done to her skin, she looked so much younger, and so much better. Now I have cancer, where is the product when I need it??
ReplyDeleteIs there anything on the market that is even close to Tova Nights scent??? I am like the rest of you I wore Tova Nights 20 years ago and fell in love with the fragrance. I had strangers stop me on the street and ask me what I was wearing. I sprayed my blazers with it and even after a month I could pull the blazer from my closet and I could smell the wonderful scent. But it now lasts about 5 minutes and reeks of alcohol! QVC ruined it for everyone. I do not understand why another fragrance manufacturer has not picked up this wonderful scent and started making it. I know it has patents on it, but someone could make it very similiar if they were experienced in the trade. What a great opportunity for them! But for now, has anyone purchased anything that is remotely similiar to Tova Nights? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't the QVC President and CEO, Mike George...once again address the problem with the "Tova" fragrance line?? It's quite obvious from all the blogs from 2008 to present (July 2012) that Tova fragrance is very different in all it's forms and all of it's different scents. I have been a Tova lover for 20 years and yes it changed drastically. If Tova had it right, and QVC changed it, how hard could it be to go back to the original formulas?? WHY on earth do people keep buying companys that work perfectly and then mess with the product and RUIN THEM?? That makes no sense at all. You obviously have a large fan base for this product QVC----so fix it!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree withe the rest of the former Tova fragrance LOVERS. Why, why, why on earth do people want to mess things with the real deal....which is the original scent of Tove original as well as Tova Nights. You simply cannot tell a Tova addict that the scent has not changed. How sad. People have been so faithful to Tova's products...so what happens? We get a slap in the face for being loyal customers. Now, that's a crime!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate that CEO admits that they have had some responsibility in the original Tova scent not being restored completely. However, the problem obviously still exist. The formula has changed and it has not the lasting or staying power it once had. I suspect that the formula was sold and maybe Tova thought, like cooking a recipe that she could later cook up the same or there about~her original formula. At our expense she has failed to duplicate the original Tova. My mother ordered 4 bottles and gave 2 to me and I do not have the heart to tell her what I have stated here today. I do feel we as the consumer have been cheated and word of mouth is huge and well, it isn't nice to do this sort of thing. You can never really gain by cheating others...I believe everyone is entitled to a full refund and close shop....
ReplyDeleteI am a late comer to
ReplyDeleteTova but I did order Tova Signature about ten years ago for the first and only time and it smelled like the bug spray that other posters have commented about. I think the fragrance must have been experimented with further back than just a few years. There is no way that ANYONE would have like this fragrance. I was embarrassed to wear it when I finally did realize that it was not just my nose that found the scent repulsive. What really got my attention was when a co-worker asked what that horrible smell was. It did smell like a combination of bug spray and window cleaner. I
I just want to know if tova industri is goin to re-produce our TOVA SIGNATURE ORIGINAL is my wife fragance for more than 8 years since I discover with one of my co-workers, she use it then I bout it to my wife but never again because I can not foun it any more our original.please let me know where to buy it?
ReplyDeleteI'll get to the point. You are missing the OILS that the original signature scent had. All I hear now is "bug spray".
ReplyDeleteI have a fix: fire your chemists.
Whats the latest scoop with Tova? anyone know.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone found a tova like perfume that they can share? Also I would love to understand the evolution of Tova via bottle style if anyone has photos of when it first came out to now.
ReplyDeleteHi me again. I am wanting to understand the evolution of the tova perfume bottle. For instance there is one that I think is vintage with a rippled lumpy glass look. Others are long and see through but look different from the current one. Thanks for your help.
ReplyDeleteHave been using Tova Signature since 1985,, My Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren will not accept any thing else on Grandmother.. they know the smell.. I tried Prada you know that was not cheap.. but still they throw a fit..lol at 380.00 a bottle.. is a little much for a widow now in her mid 70's.. What's a Grandmother to do?
ReplyDeleteP.S. When walking one of my Grandsons at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa,, I had a man chase me around the mall trying to find out what i was wearing.. this was in the 90's .. at the time i had a little sample that Tova gave to customers.. I gave it to him and he went away completely happy,, and grinning from ear to ear.
ReplyDeleteThe amazing grace and, other Philosophy scents are watered down, as well! I really don't know, why some women, lie about the scents long lasting smell, when it's not TRUE!!!!!!!!! I purchased a bottle of the amazing grace parfume and, after about five to ten minutes, the scent was GONE. EVEN WITH USING THE BATH GEL AND LOTION.
RIP old school Tova Nights....You will be forever missed.
ReplyDeleteWhen I say I used to get compliments daily, I am NOT exaggerating! It was thee best scent ever. ;-(
I too believe the scent is not the same. Tova Nights seems to be close but still does not have any holding power. Tova is nothing like it used to be. People would always say they knew it was me without turning around because it smelled so good. I don't get any reaction at all now. I am so sad that there is no holding power on both fragrances and Tova does not smell as good as it used to. Sadly Something has changed.......
ReplyDeleteI was a loyal customer of QVC for many years. Packages were always at my front door. I no longer am. It all began with Tova. My signature fragrance was altered and QVC, along with Ms. Tova B., assumed the Q customers were IDIOTS and would accept their imitation Tova fragrance and their lame explanations. Tova B. sold out to QVC and sold out her loyal customers in the process. I have finally accepted the demise of the beautiful Tova fragrance. It's gone and is never coming back. Just like my consumer spending on QVC is GONE and never coming back. Something happened when Tova gate ensued - I lost trust, faith and confidence in QVC. I hope Tova B. is enjoying all the money she received from QVC when she sold out her company and her loyal customers. Her reputation will forever be that - a sell out - something no amount of money can redeem. Bye bye my beloved Tova fragrance........you brought me years of fragrance nirvana. Bye bye QVC........you broke my consumer trust.
ReplyDeleteAll of the above is my feelings as well. I almost ordered this week but realized that the faithful following still isn't satisfied. I miss the fragrance and I miss QVC. Neither will get any more of my attention, recommendations or money.
DeleteTo the CEO.....best to just do the right thing....you are loosing customers and tarnishing the QVC brand. Integrity is crucial to brand loyalty. As a result of this debacle as a loyal Tova Nights girl, I no longer shop at QVC.....you lost my trust
ReplyDeleteI also was a huge Tova Signature fan but since they changed the formula I no longer buy it, in fact I no longer shop on QVC, they have lost credibility.
ReplyDeleteI finished my bottle of the Original TOVA Signature, and my husband got me more for Christmas this past year. I am here to say IT IS NOT THE SAME!!! It does not have the "spicy clean" smell that it used to. Instead it is very similar to TOVA Nights and I am not a big fan of TOVA Nights. PLEASE LISTEN TO THE MASSES, AND FIX IT!!! AFTER ALL, ISN'T IT BETTER TO HEAR HOW HAPPY PEOPLE ARE THAN NOT!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with all the comments Tova Signature is not the same, I have a small amount of the original & ordered a bottle from QVC to do a test. Shame on Tova & QVC implying we're idiots who don't know how to apply perfume. No longer a QVC shopper. I'm fortunate I can afford to buy it on EBAY. QVC has lost credibility
ReplyDeleteThis was mums perfume of choice and she always smelt delicious unfortunately my mum has been diagnosed with dementia the only recognition we got was when we sprayed her Tova on in the morning when we were nearing the end of her supply we ordered more but it has changed very disappointed and will not be buying any more until they go back to the original
ReplyDeletehas anyone found a replacement? it's 2018 now and i wonder if anyone is checking this.
ReplyDeleteNo I have never been able to find anything that comes close to our beloved Tova Signature. Supposedly the original scent will be back this Friday on QVC. When I posted a question asking if this was the original from the 1980s my question was deleted so I'm not holding my breath that it is the original scent. We will again be lied to I'm afraid.