Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some Old School Jeff Hewson

While Jeff is still missing in action, I did manage to find these old videos of Jeffrey from 1992--back when the Q was young and the hair was big.

Along with the rare clips of Jeff Hewson, the Connie Francis fan who posted several of her visits to QVC, also captured some vintage Jayne Tracey (should throw a Rudolph in there?) and Bob Bowersox.

If you haven't already, you can read the whole Jeff soap opera on my old post here.


  1. I have known Jeffery for over a year now. He is no where near Indianna! He is happy, living a truly Christian life and is a wonderful friend. He has gone through some difficult times; weathered the storms and learned how to dance in the rain. May God bless him!

  2. If you know Jeff, then tell us this: Is he gay? Is he an alcoholic? Are these the issues he's dealing with in his life that made Judy so upset? If so, then it was Jeff who made their marriage a sham, not the other way around as he has claimed.

    Jeff said we would be seeing more great things from him as he left QVC. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. That alone speaks volumes. I wish him well, but I think his actions ... or non-actions... speak for themselves.

  3. Sorry, if this person knows Jeff thats his/her business. How could you ask such stupid questions and expect to be answered.
    Jeff was dating and living with a woman when Judy came into the picture. She purchased a grill from the Q and called Jeff on evening asking him to help her put it together.. Like there was no other person at the Q who could help her. She knew what she was doing. She worked with him and knew him as did big mouth Levine. They both knew Jeff was not gay,she wanted him and didn't care what it took to get there. I don't believe anything that buckybeaver has to say. She ruined that marriage and got Q to fire him as well. Look at how she operates. After Jeff, then she zooms in on Paul Deasy who was married with kids, did that bother her???, nope, went right after him as well. She was a Cougar before it ever became popular!
    I hope Jeff is very happy now, he didn't need all that crap she and Levine put him through.
    Kathy just used them both to sell more books, too bad it didn't make her rich.

    1. I worked at QVC 1991-1992 and had a good friend work there from 1987-1997. Everyone at QVC knew Jeffery was gay. Not sure why Judy wanted to marry a gay man but she did. She walk in on him and one of his boyfriends that is why she dumped him. I was watching when a caller congratulated Judy on her wedding. On live TV she looked at the camera and said oh that didn't work out. The caller went silent.

  4. Judy obviously loves men who already have a woman in their life. Is she not worthy of getting her own man?

  5. Oh please! I love these clowns who always claim to know someone. My guess its a 450 pounder sitting there with a sub sandwich in one hand and pounding out her "Beautiful Dreamer," message in the other. Who cares if Jeff Hewson is gay. Its his business and no one elses. As for marrying that hog Judy Crowe...I credited him with more brains, certainly better taste. And yes when I was younger I watched QVC because I thought Jeff was not only cute but also funnier then heck. And yeppers...I'm gay.

  6. I am a good friend of Jeffs. He has been residing here in Scottsdale Arizona for several years unemployed and part of AA.I have photos of us celebrating Jeffs 2 years of being sober just a couple months ago. The years of drinking have taken a very serious toll on his body though. He has had his issues, but can be a nice man. Unfortunately yesterday evening October 23, he suffered a severe stroke and is in ICU at a hospital in Mesa, Az. The doctors do not expect him to make it. He has not been in contact with his family in years. They do not know this has even happened to him.

  7. The previous poster is partly correct. Jeffery has been living in AZ but it's Mesa, not Scottsdale where he has resided for the past 2 years.

    Jeffery's condition has improved slightly and he has been moved out of the ICU. He was standing with help yesterday, although he is partially parallyzed on the right. He was also eating solid food again. They are looking to move him to a rehab facility.

    His family from IN has been with him the past few days and were glad to finally hear where he was. Hopefully there will be some healing with his family from this.

    Also, to the previous poster - it's not your place or anyone's business about his AA or his employment situation. In my opinion, your not a very good friend and certainaly not one I would want. How dare you air his personal business when he is not in a condition to defend himself!

  8. Former QVC host Jeffery Hewson suffered a sever stroke on Sat, 10/23/2010. He has spent the last several weeks in a hospital in Mesa, AZ. At first, it was thought that he would not survive because of all the bleeding in the brain; however, he has defied the odds and made great strides. He is partially paralyzed on the right. He is slowly gaining strength and mobility back in his right side and was moved to a long-term care facility this past week.

  9. Sorry to hear about this as I am just reading about this now. Doesn't matter to me about his personal life and should not matter to others. It is his business. I wish him well and hope he is doing better and continues his recovery. I remember him from QVC many years ago. Signed: a long-time QVC viewer.

  10. What kind of jerk would make up such crazy lies about Jeff Hewson? It all sounds like BS, including the part about his family not being in contact with him since he left QVC. It's not that diifficult to locate someone, and his family certainly would have done that a long time ago. This would all be such a sad story, if true, but I'm not buying it.

  11. Jeff, I was shocked I didn't know you had a stroke. Hope your recovery is doing well. You are in my thoughts.

    Luann from Indiana

  12. Always liked to watch QVC when Jeff was hosting. Have wondered through the years what he was doing. Sorry about the health issues. I wish him the best.

  13. well, I remember Jeffrey--and that beaver toothed Judy and thought--what would a handsome young guy want with that old hag? No wonder he started drinking--She should be ashamed of herself--she always seems to land on her feet--I saw her selling bras - She is disgustingly U G L Y

  14. I'm very sorry to read about Jeff's health issues and wish him well and pray for his recovery. It is very sad that people continue to get in his and Judy's business 20+ years after they married/divorced and have such horrid things to say when they have no idea what truly happened between these two people. Speaks to the posters character - sophmoric and small minded.

  15. all you busy bodies need to get a life

  16. Jeff Hewson -- you were my favorite host on QVC - very funny and handsome. I will keep you in my prayers.

  17. Worked with him for a few years. Seemed like a nice guy to me.

  18. Jeff is gay and will never be on televison ever again......

  19. Hi Queen....I'm surely a 'homeshopping' nut. My UPS man (Eric) has become a special friend and even if I do not get a pkg....he always stops by for a coke. Everything I own and all that I wear comes from the Q or HSN.

  20. I see Jeffery 5 days a week and he is doing good. He is in Mesa, Az and is a very cheerful man and always has a smile on his face. And who cares if he is gay or not he is still a person who I am happy to see those 5 days a week.

    1. good for you, you are a true friend, he seems
      like a very nice guy hope he gets better each day, I thought he was an excellent host.

    2. Sending prayers for Jeff. Any recent updates?

  21. In the Spring of 2008, Jeff stayed with us for awhile. I'd love to get in touch with him again. I hope he is doing better. He was a good friend.

  22. I believe Jeffrey is gay. I know someone who told me a friend of theirs posted a personal in a gay newspaper in Philadelphia,which Jeffrey answered, including a recent picture of himself.This was all before he married Judy.Why he made that move is anyone's guess, maybe he was going to an extreme to hide the fact he is gay, or in denial and thought marrying a women would "make everything all right", who knows. Obviously, it didn't work out, and I don't think Judy was totally at fault for the failure of their marriage.

  23. Joyce H. May 7,2013

    I have wondered many, many times whatever happened to Jeffrey. He is such a handsome man and what a charmer! I tried to figure how Judy got him as well. I have been a QVC watcher since 1988, so I remember those famous words when he was about to present a special item. "Come mere, come mere, come mere"! He was and will always be a star in my opinion. The Jeffrey we saw was all we needed to see, his sexual preference should not even be an issue. Good luck to you always Jeffrey.

    1. He was very handsome. But when he sang. It was pure heaven. Still have his cassette tape

  24. I always loved Jeffrey as a great handsome and funny host. I miss him on QVC and wish him well. Nobody should care if a person is gay or not. I liked him before I thought he was and if he is gay, oh he is the same person.
    If your ill Jeff, get better, if your healthy,
    stay well!

  25. Sad to hear Jeffery had a stroke, hope he's in better health now. I don't give a rat's if he's gay, straight, married to a brick, hooked on phonics, whatever, as long as he's happy. Judy has always made me think of a really homely mule, with those gigantic teeth; I am curious about Steve Colantuno, and the gal that was hosting the SW jewelry in the early 90s, cute little dark haired gal, short dark hair, extremely knowledgeable.

  26. I think about half the hosts on the Q and HSN may be gay.

    1. I know David Venable is

    2. I know David V is gay, but I think he is so sweet. The way he closes his eyes and sighs when he tastes something good always makes me laugh, and he treats all the callers so respectfully.

  27. For Jeffery to be remembered by all of us all these years is indicative of the talent and positive impression he left on us at during his time at QVC. I dare say, QVC has enjoyed many many years of Jeffery's residual, positive impact. I wish you well, Jeffery!!!

  28. I would love to extend my best wishes and prayers to Jeffrey. Loved him as a host...Hardly ever watch QVC anymore, and when I do, I think of him and wish he was there. Praying for a miraculous recovery for you!

  29. I really liked Jeffery when he was on QVC. He was a great host and seemed to have it all together and he was handsome indeed. I too, was surprised he and Judy 'dated' and married. I consider Judy to be a very unattractive women. After they split, I remember someone saying that Judy said that Jeff married her to further his career.

    Most of us Still care about Jeffery. It is very sad how his life and promising career fell apart. I absolutely wish him the best and I hope that one day we see him Hosting on QVC or on HSN. ... To someone who knows him .. Please tell him that his fans Never forgot about him, we miss him and hope he will return and fully recover. May God Bless him.

  30. Just a fan. so very handsome, always wondered what he so in judy. jeff, could let me buy anything. sorry such a hard life for him. i love you in Jesus keep you in pray.

  31. I thought you were fantastic on QVC. I don't really know if you're sick or not, but if you are, I sincerely wish you good health in the future. You appear to be a very nice person. Best wishes, Shirley

  32. I only watched QVC because of Jeffrey. I always remember "thanks for the Jeffrey." If anyone who knows him reads this, please tell him he is very missed and that we wish him the very best in the future!

  33. Mercy! Just look at that picture and that smile. Thanks for posting Jeff's picture and reminding us of what a lovely man he was and no doubt still is. I hope he knows he still has a lot of fans.

  34. I remember him. I always wondered WHY he married that unbelievably homely Judy. God what a dog.

  35. Always loved watching QVC when I knew that Jeff would be hosting an hour or two of "whatever" - - his presence, personality, sense of humor and charm not only helped to sell an item, but told us a lot about the man himself. As a gay man in his 20's back then, I had a little crush on Jeff - but it never mattered to me whether or not he was gay - it's not like I was ever going to meet him in person. Above the obvious physical appeal, I was most attracted to his inner handsomeness, For whatever reasons he got married and to whom he got married really should't matter - hey, we all do and have done things in our lives that we might regret or don't understand why we did them, but when you remove all of the layers of things that paved the path on Jeff's journey, deep down he's still the same man that we all knew and loved from his early QVC days to now - - and learning about his health issues makes us feel for him even more. I do hope that anyone who knows him that's reading these posts (at least the kind ones) will let him know that there are a lot of people who think of him often, wondering what became of him after "the QVC years" and keep him in their prayers with the utmost respect and sincere concern for his recovery. Take care and be well Jeff!!

    1. I just wanted to say what a great well written post on Jeff. If only people would stop slandering others because of their sexual preference the world would be a better place. I find that people who are unhappy with their lives want to make others lives just as miserable. Who's business is it anyway what someone's sexual preference is anyway? Be who you are and don't live your life to make others happy that I firmly believe in. Thanks for reading and again thanks for that great posting.

    2. I have to agree with you - that was a wonderful post . I watched Jeffery everyday that he was on QVC . He was a delight . Always made me laugh !!! I remember the "thanks for the Jeffery" and his love of green M&M's. I am glad to hear he is doing well and hope to see him on TV again someday . God bless you , Jeffery and Happy New Year .....

  36. I can tell you that Jeffrey is making progress in his recovery from his stroke. He has many friends who love him and make sure he is doing ok. He is out of the wheelchair and walking on his own, he lives by himself although someone comes by several times a week to clean and see if he needs anything. He is slow but always has a huge smile and a wave for his friends every Sunday at church. He is very well loved by all who get to know him. He says he is happy and his face definitely shows that.

    1. Awesome to hear.

    2. I always enjoyed watching him when I got home from high school many years ago (1987-1989). As a gay teenager, I always fantasized about finding a lover, boyfriend, soul-mate when I grew up and always used Jeff as the template...lol I know it sounds silly, but I always wondered how his life took its course. I’ve also had problems with drinking, and my heart goes out to him. I hope he is currently happy and healthy, independent and mobile. I wish he would put up a Facebook page, so all of his fans can chat with him and reminisce. Hopefully, he will read this and know how much he’s missed and admired for his charm and accomplishments (and great man-manicures...lol).

  37. God bless you Jeffery. Still miss your wonderful sense of humor.

  38. God bless you Jeffery. You are missed & still thought of. Made the early days of QVC very enjoyable. Trust Jesus & take care.

  39. Wonderful to hear that Jeff is doing so well, and is surrounded by love and joy. Wonderful also that he continues to radiate love to others! Thanks for the memories Jeff. Thanks to those here to know that there are many who truly care and have shared updates.

  40. It's a year since the last comment and I truly hope Jeffrey is still doing well and making improvements. It's extremely hard to find any information about him and I'm glad I stumbled upon this site. I just wanted Jeffrey to know that he hasn't been forgotten and I wish him all the best! Watching him on QVC was always a pleasure. Take care!

  41. I just found this site also. I bought my first gold necklace from Jeffrey. He was such a great host and a pleasure to watch and listen to. I hope he is doing well and I do wish it was not so hard to find out actual information about him, or contact him via Facebook of something.

  42. I met Jeffery today for the first time. What a pleasure to spend time with him. When I asked him what he did for a living before he had a stroke his eyes lit up when he told me about qvc and the home shopping network. Jeffery seems to be doing good and said he has a lot of good friends that check up on him. He mentioned he does get on the internet sometimes but hasn’t in awhile. I can tell all of you he is doing well and it was a pleasure meeting him today.

    1. Thank you for sharing your meeting with Jeff. I tune in to QVC, but not as much as when Jeff was on the network. I am glad that he is doing well. If any one sees him or if he reads the posts. Let him know that he is always in our thoughts. God bless him.

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